mich juckts auch schon seit 2002.
Bei se wei neues Q&A
Q: Is the non loading system totally integrated? A: No, there are loadings between different zones, ie between the tutorial(several km² thing with bus storehouse, a farm, the Trader's basement, a military camp, a checkpoint, some ruins...) and the next zone, way bigger, with a superb dump of military equipment and a beautiful destryed factory by a radioactive junkyard.
Q: Are the conditions of live (rest, food) managed? A: Yes, for food, no for rest. I didn't tried starving but after 6/8 hours ingame playing, an icon appears and you have to eat something. Sausages, energetic bars can be found.
Q: Give us a sharp idea of the minimal rig! A: runs very on Gringo's machine: P4 3.4 + 6800 + 1GB ram. No problem, it won't be Oblivion. Only the game loading time is a bit long.
Q: Is it possible to select DX running mode? A: No, it seems to be DX9.
Q: How is inventory managed? Weight? Space? Pause the game? A: Inventory doesn't pause the game. Weight is managed as follows: you have a maximal charge (40kg at start, I believe) that you can go past a bit (45 but not 55) paying the price of a big overtiredness when you run. That is, with a light bag, you can sprint several kilometers, but with a heavy bag, you'll be breathless in 20 meters. About space, it's a box system and I never missed any space.
Q: Has AI been improved? A: Hmmm, I'd say yes, AI is consistent, even if sometimes, it could hear me from far. Note this problem: the autosaves seem to be randomized. If you save when at 20 meters from calm guys, you may found them back in state of alert when reloading. But maybe it's just a beta bug. Apart from that, I saw an AI running against a wall without stopping.
Q: Is the AI life system realistic? A: You can see some stalkers chasing mutant dogs, eating, killing bandits, sleeping at night (they snore in abandonned riuins). Some important NPC (?) have no live. They stand 24/24 w/o moving but other stalkers give the impress they don't just wait to meet you
Q: Are they difficulty levels and is the game tough? A: 4 difficulty levels and yes the game is tough (mainly at start with the little rotten guns).
Q: Is there any other mean of transportation than walking? Teleportation? A: Hmm I didn't see any. I had asked to developers and they told me "no". I'm afraid of that, because the distances to cross may be enormous.
Q: Can we play stealthy mode, kill enemies with knife or silenced gun, w/o being heard in a 300 meter radius. Is there a jaug like in Dark Project? A: Yes you can be stealth and rip enemies in the back. But walking in a bush on a dry leaf is enough to get spotted. Carefully walking on the grass keeps possible with some practicing. There is a jaug that indicates how intensively the nearest enemy knows your position.
Q: Do we have to wear beggars' clothes to be a stalker or can we wear the scientist's jumpsuit, dresses maybe? A: For now, I only saw the basic clothes (jacket, sweater, trousers) and the stalkers's suit which you get when entering the second zone, but considering how the clothing is managed (like in Oblivion, you can take them off, put them back), there should be a lot of enabled suits.
Q: How do we get informed about our progress in the game (percentages, ended levels)? A: There is a PDA used as a quest log. For the main quest, no percentages or levels.
Q: Is the rare objects seeking still integrated to gameplay? A: Artifacts are still integrated, you may sell them, some can give you bonus,...
Q: Are they various enemies? A: It's OK, different human types (stalkers, bandits, agressives...) and a ton of mutant beasts of different size.
Q: The powers system related to artifacts, how does it work? A: I guess you talk about the little rocks that can be found near the "anomaly" zones. You just have to pick them up and stick them up to your belt via inventory. Each anomaly type produces little rocks that give bonus/malus, ie +10 maintaining power against fire but -20% against shocks.
Q: Is it frightening? hmmm yes, ruins exploring can be freaking out, but particularly the sound ambience is really well done.
Q: Is ballistic allright? A: This is not FlashPoint. You must fight with arms as Kalachnikov at a 50-70 meters max distance. Beyond that distance, bullets become imprecise, even in ironsight view. So don't expect a strong realism...
Q: Are immersion and freedom feeling beyond average? A: Yes.
Q: Is the global design OK? A: Yes, there is a real aim at ambience and originality. But you have to like greyness and brown colors.
Q: What about commands reactivity and game speed? A: Controls feeling is faultless (much inertness though, a little bit embarrassing during fights). About speed, it is "avarage", slower than CS.
Q: What are the "anomalies" effects? A: They are graphic deformations that apper and move in the scenery. When you get near them, you can hear the Geiger clicks, if you get too near, you die.
Q: Do the weapons give a good feeling? A: Awefull for the first gun, but it gets better and better with the other weapons, more powerfull and precise.
Q: As there are campfire, can we eat things like tin cans, herbal rabbits, chamallow or Siberian bear BBQ? A: Fires are unusable, but you can eat sausages, various meat, vodka, to wrestle with radiations.
Q: Can we take drugs or alcohol? A: Alcohol: yes, and you can get anti-radiation shoots.
Q: Is there any sun or always bad weather? A: Everyting goes, from shiny sun to rain storms.
Q: Can we smoke? A: Don't think so.
Q: Is there an option to spend time sleeping, like in other RPGs? A: Didn't see that.
Q: Do we have to find a shelter to sleep at night? You're not forced to.
Q Are the weapons twickable? A: You can choose the fire mode, and some weapons can accept different ammos.
Q: Having liked Boiling Point, is the game bugged? A: This beta is 100 times better than retail Boiling Point.
Q: Will there be player customization possibilities (weapons armors, clothes)? A: For now, I've only see customization via the little rocks (see above).
Q: Can we play a female character? A: No.
Q: What is the "re-playablility" level of the game: will re-playing the game with a character with differents properties make a difference, and are the environments opened enough not to feel doing the same things again? A: Hard to say, though there are different factions, the character has no strong specializations, so maybe 1 time is enough.
Q: Any books in the game? A: Didn't see any.
Q: What is the view distance? A: less impressive than Oblivion, but sufficient.
Q: Can we play with all graphic options at max with a C2D6700+7900gtx (my question :=) A: "Oh oui!"
Q: I want details about ambience, is it FallOut like, BoilingPoint like? Tchernobyl like? A: the feeling is really post-apocaliptical, so I would say like FallOut, even if S.T.A.L.K.E.R. seems darker and more "survival horror" than FallOut which was funny at second degree, what S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is not at all.
Q: Must we expect something like Deus EX or like CS? A: If Deus EX were at 0 and CS were at 1, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. would be at 0.3.
Q: Is there a character creation phase? How is the leveling working? A: No creation phase, no levelling. You improve your power with equipment, not with skills.
Q: Is there really no more drivable vehicle left? A: No more drivable vehicles. You have only tons and tons of trucks, cars and helis carcasses.