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Switch Nintendo Switch

Was ist dann Thema? Mehr hat man ja nicht auf Lager. Vielleicht noch paar Asia-Ableger für den 3DS. Und ein Monster-Hunter.
Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda series. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.

und Mobile wird weiter vorgestellt:

Nintendo’s Next Mobile Apps: Building on the positive consumer reaction to Miitomo, Nintendo announced that its next two mobile apps would be based on the familiar and beloved Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing franchises.

Nintendo plans to release both of these applications this autumn. As for the former app, while making it more accessible in comparison to the Fire Emblem games for Nintendo’s dedicated gaming systems, Nintendo aims to offer the great value of a role-playing strategy game. Nintendo will design the latter game so that it will be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems. By playing both Animal Crossing games, users will find increased enjoyment. Both of these are pure game applications.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wieso sagt mir das Forum, dass du einen Beitrag von mir in diesem Thread zitiert hast? Uhrzeit passt zu deinem Posting.
Infohighlight für @Caesar III
Nicht in diesem Thread, das war das Wii U-Topic wo das Posting ursprünglich drin war. Ich hatte gestern noch dein Posting zum Humble Bundle zitiert, weil ich erst noch was dazu schreiben wollte, was ich dann aber nicht gemacht habe. Das Forum hatte dieses angefangene Posting dann immer noch im Speicher und ich hab's erst nach dem Abschicken bemerkt und den Teil dann wieder rausgelöscht. ^^

Zum Thema:

Laut Kimishima liegt die Verschiebung daran, dass die NX-Spiele nicht bereit waren:

When asked why Nintendo wasn’t launching the NX in time for this year’s big holiday season, Kimishima explained that Nintendo wanted to make sure there were games to go along with the NX.

Na da will ich jetzt aber ein richtig dickes Launchlineup sehen falls das wirklich so stimmen sollte. :P
Interessante Einschätzung von Gamesradar:
No NX until March 2017. No NX at E3 2016. Zelda officially bumped to an (eventual) NX release, which will very probably lead to the Wii U version to being a 2017 release as well. Doom. Such doom, and additional gloom, and fair old dash of gleeful spite. Because Nintendo has fucked it, right? After a year that saw tentative NX excitement start to slowly, steadily grow from the cold, dead ground of the Wii U’s grossly curtailed life, Nintendo has just told you damn gawking kids to get off its lawn, concreted over the garden, gone inside, and pulled the shutters down, yes?


No, Nintendo is being really, really smart right now, and doing exactly the right thing.
In short, the industry’s most celebrated house of ideas was behaving like a dog that had long-since forgotten why it had started chasing its own tail in the first place, and badly needed to be sent to its bed for a time-out.
The full games line-up is staying quiet during the period that the rest of the industry shouts the loudest, and will drop when there are more people to listen and properly understand.
Schade, dass NX dieses Jahr nicht mehr kommt. Für Nintendo und NX ist das Verpassen des Weihnachtsgeschäfts sicher ein Rückschlag. Andererseits gibt es so dann hoffentlich ein gescheites Lineup und nicht so einen Murks wie bei der Wii U und dem 3DS.
Episch wäre ein Start mit einem neuen "richtigen" Metroid, ein Zelda und noch ein Mario dazu geballert. Third-Party brauche ich nicht unbedingt, da die PS4k wohl genug Power haben wird, um besser oder zumindest gleiche Performance zu zeigen und ich mir dann 3rd-Party aufgrund größerer Freundesliste dort kaufe..
Hat die NX - bzw der Handheld - einen Nvidia Chip? SemiAccurate spricht davon
  • Though Nvidia downplayed console margins, their pride was hurt by the loss in console contracts. All the talk about "focusing on Shield" was a cover for the fact that MS and Sony had soured on them and would not enter negotiations.
  • Nvidia team was told to get a console win or "go home." Enter Nintendo, who apparently made off very well in this deal. This to the point that SemiAccurate questions whether this is a "win" at all for Nvidia.
  • SA has heard that Nvidia are promising software, support, and the whole shebang at a very low cost. According to one source, Nvidia may even be taking a loss on this deal. (Take the second sentence here with an extra portion of salt)
  • Not mentioned which generation of Tegra or which process node will be used or when the handheld is scheduled for release.
  • No mention of the home console, but we can speculate what that might be and who might provide the chipset for that one.
via Neogaf aus dem Orginal Artikel @ http://semiaccurate.com/2016/05/12/guess-whos-silicon-is-in-nintendos-nx/

Macht auch Sinn, wenn man Theorien mancher glauben mag (Quelle):
Well, for all we know Nvidia could have done Nintendo a deal on the X1 simply to use up a TSMC 20nm wafer purchase commitment (as the X1 is their only 20nm chip, and it's only been used in the Shield TV and the Pixel C, neither are big sellers). It may have been cheaper for them to sell the chips at a loss to Nintendo than to pay a penalty to TSMC for dropping out of their wafer order.
The reason I was talking about it there is that it would explain why Nvidia would be willing to make a loss on the deal. As a point of reference, AMD was penalised to the tune of $320 million when they pulled out of a wafer order commitment with Global Foundries a few years back. That's the kind of order of magnitude you'd be looking at if (and it's a bit if) Nvidia had committed to large 20nm purchases from TSMC and they had to renege on them due to poor sales of the Nvidia X1. They'd be desperate to make the sale to Nintendo, as Nintendo would be pretty much the only customer buying in the quantity necessary to cover their wafer commitments, so would be willing to offer Nintendo an absurdly good deal, even to the point of making a loss on each chip sold, as it would still be better than paying the penalty to TSMC.

Insgesamt plausibel und gleichzeitig strange. Nvidia hatte ich nun nicht erwartet. Das mit der Strafzahlung macht aber Sinn. Der X1, von dem gesprochen wird liefert gut 1Teraflop (1025GFlops) - Zum Vergleich: Der 3DS hat 5GFlops, eine Vita 51, eine Xbone 1300 und ne PS4 1800 (Quelle). Top of the Line PC Grafikkarten wie die Geforce Titan X haben 6,2 Teraflops, also 6200. Übertaktet kommen die in die 8xxx Regionen.

Emily Rogers hat heute weiterhin geäußert, dass eventuell gar keine x86 Architektur verwendet wird. Auch das ist eher verwunderlich. Es bleibt wahrlich spannend.
NeoGAF-User Atheerios hat eine interessante Entdeckung beim Zelda-Patent im Vergleich zu anderen Nintendo-Spielepatenten gemacht:

Wii U-Game:

Nintendo 3DS-Game:

Wii U/NX-Game:

Normalerweise ist bei Wii U-Spielen nur von "video game discs" die Rede, während bei 3DS-Spielen von "video game cartridges" gesprochen wird. Beim neuen Zelda, welches für Wii U und NX erscheint, wird hingegen beides erwähnt.

Ein weiterer Hinweis auf die Nutzung von Cartridges/Gamecards für NX statt optischen Discs?
hm? Meine ja nur, dass früher immer der zentrale Vorteil von CDs etc. mit dem Speicherplatz begründet wurde. Ist das heute dann keiner mehr?