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PC/Mac Half-Life 2

Original geschrieben von skreel
@arthur, also ich glaube da nicht dran das hl2 in 28 tagen kommt. sonst könnte man das game sicher schon bei mehreren läden preordern, und die meissten läden haben es noch nicht mal drinne...dbo hat sogar nur die xbox version drin. :eek:

in 28 Tagen wissen wir mehr :D ;)
Original geschrieben von skreel
@arthur, also ich glaube da nicht dran das hl2 in 28 tagen kommt. sonst könnte man das game sicher schon bei mehreren läden preordern, und die meissten läden haben es noch nicht mal drinne...dbo hat sogar nur die xbox version drin. :eek:

kann auch ne derbe PR Kampagne sein / werden. ;)
Original geschrieben von skreel
@arthur, also ich glaube da nicht dran das hl2 in 28 tagen kommt. sonst könnte man das game sicher schon bei mehreren läden preordern, und die meissten läden haben es noch nicht mal drinne......

häh!? :breit: ;)

..die meisten Läden haben es zum pre-ordern: amazon.de, amazon.co.uk, okaysoft, ebgames, usw... :)
ich habs ja auch bei amazon uk bestellt, afaik ist bei okaysoft nur "in vorbereitung" drin, oder? spielegrotte hats noch nicht drin...

Valve assurances looking shaky as UK retail informs of a late October release

10:58 Information received via e-mail from UK retailer GAME by customers who have pre-ordered Half-Life 2 at its online store has thrown a rather large spanner into the HL2 release date works, we can reveal.
Despite Valve Software's Doug Lombardi insisting: "The release date is unchanged" when we questioned last week whether Half-Life 2 would hit its original September 30 deadline, GAME has recently told its customers that the title will not arrive until November.

The email notice to customers reads:

"As you may already be aware, the UK release date for 'Half-Life 2' has changed to Nov-2003.

"Please don't worry, your order is still 'live' and will be despatched to you on the day prior to the revised release date, via your chosen method of shipping, unless you advise us to the contrary."

Speaking to us this morning, a spokesperson for GAME said: "The latest date we have for Half-Life 2 is late October, and that was the information we got through yesterday, but obviously the date could change again."

When we asked if GAME received the information from publisher Vivendi, we were told: "It comes direct from the publisher."

The GAME spokesperson went on to point out that customers had received the November date via e-mail because: "That [the e-mail] most likely went out to customers before we received this updated release date.

"We expect to have an exact release date at then end of the month, maybe," they said.

So what does Half-Life 2 publisher Vivendi have to say about this? Talking to the publisher's UK arm, we were told that the official line on Half-Life 2's release date is: "To be confirmed."

Just when the September 30 date looked safe, along comes this. Crunch time will be around the middle of the month, when many expect Half-Life 2 to go Gold, if it's to hit its original date. Unless, of course, Valve plans to release the game over its broadband
delivery system Steam first...

Oh the tension. It's almost too much. We'll keep you fully updated on all developments.



Original geschrieben von Gaara

Valve assurances looking shaky as UK retail informs of a late October release

10:58 Information received via e-mail from UK retailer GAME by customers who have pre-ordered Half-Life 2 at its online store has thrown a rather large spanner into the HL2 release date works, we can reveal.
Despite Valve Software's Doug Lombardi insisting: "The release date is unchanged" when we questioned last week whether Half-Life 2 would hit its original September 30 deadline, GAME has recently told its customers that the title will not arrive until November.

The email notice to customers reads:

"As you may already be aware, the UK release date for 'Half-Life 2' has changed to Nov-2003.

"Please don't worry, your order is still 'live' and will be despatched to you on the day prior to the revised release date, via your chosen method of shipping, unless you advise us to the contrary."

Speaking to us this morning, a spokesperson for GAME said: "The latest date we have for Half-Life 2 is late October, and that was the information we got through yesterday, but obviously the date could change again."

When we asked if GAME received the information from publisher Vivendi, we were told: "It comes direct from the publisher."

The GAME spokesperson went on to point out that customers had received the November date via e-mail because: "That [the e-mail] most likely went out to customers before we received this updated release date.

"We expect to have an exact release date at then end of the month, maybe," they said.

So what does Half-Life 2 publisher Vivendi have to say about this? Talking to the publisher's UK arm, we were told that the official line on Half-Life 2's release date is: "To be confirmed."

Just when the September 30 date looked safe, along comes this. Crunch time will be around the middle of the month, when many expect Half-Life 2 to go Gold, if it's to hit its original date. Unless, of course, Valve plans to release the game over its broadband
delivery system Steam first...

Oh the tension. It's almost too much. We'll keep you fully updated on all developments.



und wie soll man das verstehen! leider kann ich kein english :bawling:
son spielehändler hat erfahren (vom publisher), dass hl2 whl frühesteens ende oktober kommen soll. sicher is noch nix wahrscheinlich kommts im november. und dann schneiden die noch an, dass valve es vielleicht sogar zuerst über steam veröffentlichen wird. man wird sehen.
ich nehm die "reichen" version, aber watt is denn nu mit dem release...ich hasse es wenn die games kurz vorm release noch mal verschoben werden. :( wenn dann sollen sie das schon gut nen monat vorher verkünden. das wissen sie ja wohl auch schon so früh das sie es nich packen.
also nach neuesten infos aus nem andern forum heisst es, dass am 15. der benchmark erscheinen soll und gleichzeitig hl² gold erreicht! also sollte es schon klappen mit 20.9.!
wahrscheinlich kriegen nur die Vorbesteller das Spiel am 30.9.03
d.h. die Lieferungen sind schon bis November durch die Vorbestellungen vergeben ;)
Hat eigentlich jemand anderes ausser die GIGA-Heinis bestätigt bzw. gemeldet, dass HL2 das erste Spiel mit ner Internet-Zwangsaktivierung ist? Wäre ziemlich hart imo, aber durchaus verständlich, weil das wird bestimmt wieder Millionenfach kopiert werden. :mad: