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Den Koop haben wir zwei, drei Stunden gezockt, aber nur ich als HOST konnte den Story Fortschritt speichern. Da es für die Story-Missionen immer recht viel XP gibt (die der Mitspieler auch nicht bekommt), war mein Kollege voll genervt und ist dann raus. Er musste dann in seinem SinglePlayer alles nochmal spielen (bis auf die Nebenmissionen, die wir zusammen schon gespielt hatten) - bescheuert gemacht..
'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the experience though. Dead Island is a deeply flawed game, but it's also clearly a low-budget game and one that has interesting ideas, often under-served by the bargain-basement code. Finding the diamonds in the rough demands a lot of patience, and enough investment in the base joys of zombie slaughter to tolerate the laundry list of flaws.
I suspect this will be one of those games that will be justifiably mocked by the majority for its many flaws but embraced by a forgiving minority, and passionately defended for its underdog status. Neither response will be entirely wrong. Much like gnawing on human flesh, Dead Island's clumsy horror-action role-player is the definition of an acquired taste.