• Hallo zusammen, bitte prüft mal die im Forum hinterlegte Mail Adresse auf Aktualität. Es ist jetzt schon mehrfach passiert, dass Mails (z.B. für Benachrichtigung neuer PNs) nicht zugestellt werden konnten, weil die Konten nicht mehr existieren oder voll gelaufen sind. Danke!
  • Hallo Gast, falls du dich wunderst, wieso Bilder und Videos nicht mehr sofort angezeigt werden, schau mal hier.
  • Nach viel zu langer Zeit ist mal wieder ein Zockertreffen angesagt. Der Termin steht! Sei dabei! Ich will auch!

PlayStation 3

Soweit ich weiß geht das einigen BDs, aber nicht bei allen. Ich glaube, dass das Feature mal irgendwann mit einem FW-Update kam, vorher ging das gar nicht bzw. beim Abschalten ging der Bookmark verloren.
Leicht OT: Generell finde ich die Bedienung von BRs ehrlich gesagt unkomfortabler als die von DVDs. Diese Pop-Up-Menüs haben eigentlich überhaupt keinen Nutzen, außer dass es irgendwie schicker ist. Wenn ich beim Abspann eines Films z.B. noch zu den Special Features wechsle, kommt man nach Ende irgendeines Features wieder zum weiterlaufenden Abspann zurück (und so weiter). Eine DVD ist im Aufbau einfach simpler und dadurch klarer strukturiert.
Auf der GamesCom 09 in Köln hält Sony derzeit die eigene Pressekonferenz.
Nachdem der Konzern über einige Fakten und Statistiken des PSN gesprochen hat, kommen nun neue Ankündigungen:

  • Neuer Look am 1. September
  • BBC iPlayer + weitere Kanäle, Catch-Up TV
  • PSN Cards am 20. September, im Wert von 20€ und 50€
ich poste es nochmal hier:

Highlights Sony GC PK

-PSN Cards kommen nach europa
-videostore noch dieses jahr in europa
-ps3 slim für 299€ ab september
-motionzeug news erst zur tgs
-digital reader für comics usw. ab dezember

zur slim: gefällt mir auf den bildern optisch überhaupt nicht, mal abwarten wie sie in natura wirkt. was design angeht hat mich sony eigentlich selten enttäuscht.
Sony hat auf dem offiziellen PS Blog die nächste Firmware auf Version 3.00 enthüllt, die eine Reihe von neuen Funktionen bietet. Das neuste Update enthält Verbesserung der Navigation, Gestaltung der XMB sowie Netzwerk-und Personalisierungs- Verbesserungen.

Hier die Liste der Verbesserungen:

  • Das "Informations Board" wird durch die "Was gibt's Neues"-Sektion ersetzt.
  • Statusanzeige - In der rechten Ecke oben wird nun ein Indikator Bar sein, das den Benutzer-Symbol anzeigt, Symbol der Freunde, die Anzahl aller Freunde und User erfahren dank einem Message-Symbol, ob sie eine neue Nachricht erhalten haben.
  • Die Batterieanzeige wird nun nicht mehr verdeckt, wenn man die Home-Taste gedrückt hält.
  • Direkte Einbindung von Links zu TV Services.
  • Die Freundesliste bekommt ein neues Format. Die Nachrichten können je nach Profil des Kontakts nachgelesen werden.
  • Mit einer praktischen PlayStation Store Shortcut-Funktion können User auf die aktuellsten Games und Videos aus dem PSN zugreifen.
  • Dynamische Themen sowie kostenlose und Premium-Avatare werden mit der neuen Firmware erscheinen. Animierte Themes bekommen ihren Debut.
  • Trophäen - Die nächste Firmware gibt Entwicklern die Möglichkeit die Anzeige der Trophäen für DLC's zu ändern. Haupt-und Add-On-Trophäen werden kombiniert angezeigt, so dass die User sehen können, wo sie in einem Spiel als Ganzes stehen. Innerhalb dieser Liste werden die Trophäen in Nebenkategorien unterteilt. Die Fortschritte der Haupt-Trophäen und Add-On-Trophäen können in einem Prozentsatz betrachtet werden. Weitere Verbesserungen sind bei den neusten Spielen einsehbar.
Hier eine Vorschau:


Der Releasetermin wird demnächst angekündigt.


Lower Price to Further Accelerate Expansion of the PlayStation®3 Platform Along with Extensive Software Title Line-up for Upcoming Holiday Season

Tokyo, August 18, 2009 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today unveiled the new PlayStation®3 (CECH-2000A) (body color: charcoal black) computer entertainment system, featuring an extremely streamlined form factor with a 120GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD). The new PlayStation®3 (PS3®) system will become available in stores from September 1, 2009, in North America, Europe/ PAL territories and Asian countries and regions at a very attractive recommended retail price (RRP) of US$299 and €299, respectively. The system will become available in Japan on September 3, 2009, at a RRP of 29,980 yen (including tax). With the introduction of the new PS3 system, SCE will also reduce the price of the current PS3 with 80GB HDD to a RRP of US$299 from August 18 and €299 from August 19. Also in North America, the price of PS3 with 160GB HDD will be reduced to a RRP of US$399 from August 18. By launching a vast library of exciting and attractive software titles for PS3 this holiday season and offering customers a line-up of hardware models and pricing to match their preference, SCE will build on the momentum and further accelerate the expansion of the PS3 platform.

The internal design architecture of the new PS3 system, from the main semiconductors and power supply unit to the cooling mechanism, has been completely redesigned, achieving a much slimmer and lighter body. Compared to the very first PS3 model with 60GB HDD, the internal volume as well as its thickness and weight are trimmed down to approximately two-thirds. Furthermore, power consumption is also cut to two-thirds, helping to reduce fan noise. While inheriting the sleek curved body design of the original model, the form factor of the new PS3 system features a new meticulous design with textured surface finish, giving an all new impression and a casual look. With the compact body and casual appearance, the newly introduced model will appeal to a wider audience who are looking to buy the best entertainment system for their home.

Concurrently with the release of the new PS3 system, SCE will modify the PS3 brand name from “PLAYSTATION 3” to “PlayStation 3”, and introduce a new “ ” logo, which is engraved on the surface of the new PS3 system. By unifying under the familiar “PlayStation®” name, which represents the entire PlayStation family, PS3 together with PlayStation®2 and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) will further expand the PlayStation business, and will continue to enhance the entertainment experience along with the ever-growing PlayStation®Network.

The new PS3 continues to offer the cutting-edge features and functions of the current models, such as the ability to enjoy high-definition Blu-ray disc (BD) movies and games, as well as various content and services downloadable through the network. The new PS3’s storage size has increased from 80GB to 120GB, and with the extra capacity users will be able to store more games, music, photos, videos as well as various content and services available through PlayStation Network. Having more than 27 million registered accounts around the world, PlayStation Network offers more than 15,000 pieces of digital content, ranging from game titles, trailers, and demos to more than 15,000 movies and TV shows via PlayStation Store*1. PlayStation Network members can also download free applications, such as PlayStation Home, a ground-breaking 3D social gaming community available on PS3 that allows users to interact, communicate and share gaming experiences, as well as Life with PlayStation, which offers users various news and information on a TV monitor in the living room by connecting the PS3 to the network.

Since the launch of PS3 in November 2006, the number of BD-based titles has reached more than 1,000 titles and downloadable PS3 games to 1,400*2 titles worldwide, with the support from a broad range of third party game developers and publishers. In addition to this extensive software title line-up, exciting and attractive new titles are to be released from SCE Worldwide Studios, including Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, EyePet, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, MAG, ModNation Racer, Gran Turismo 5 and more.

Other features of the new PS3 include:

Ø PS3 system software update version 3.00

Concurrently with the release of new PS3, system software will be upgraded to version 3.00 on September 1. The update adds various user-friendly features such as the “What’s New” screen, where users can quickly browse the new items available in PlayStation Store as well as their recently played games directly on the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar), with short cuts to each piece of content. PS3 will evolve continuously with the system software updates, further improving the operability and enhancing the user experience available through the network. PS3 owners will be able to enjoy new features by simply updating the PS3 system software to version 3.00 via the “System Update” function on the XMB*3.

Ø BRAVIA® Sync™ Feature

The new PS3 system is also equipped with the BRAVIA® Sync™ feature. By connecting the new PS3 system and a BRAVIA TV with the HDMI cable, users are able to directly operate the XMB on PS3 using the TV remote control. Other functions include “System Standby” that will automatically turn off the PS3 system when the BRAVIA TV is turned off*4.

Ø “Vertical Stand” for new PS3 (CECH-2000 series)

By utilizing the separately sold “Vertical Stand”, users will be able to set the new PS3 in vertical position*5, making it easier to place the PS3 system anywhere at home. The vertical stand will become available in Japan on September 3, 2009, at a RRP of 2,000 yen (including tax) and in North America at US$24*6.

Ø Removal of “Install Other OS” feature

The new PS3 system will focus on delivering games and other entertainment content, and users will not be able to install other Operating Systems to the new PS3 system.

Along with a vast line-up of attractive and exciting entertainment content with the new PS3 system, SCE will continue to further expand the PS3 platform and create a new world of computer entertainment.

*1 Number as of end July 2009. Content within PlayStation Store will differ by region, please refer to the official PlayStation.com site for further details.

*2 Includes PS one® classics and free of charge content (downloadable demos).

*3 Users will need to connect their PS3 to the network to use the function.

*4 Users will need to use BRAVIA TV that supports the BRAVIA Sync feature. For further information about BRAVIA Sync, please refer to the official Sony site in each region.

*5 Users will need to use the separately sold “Vertical Stand” to set the new PS3 in vertical position.

*6 Release date of the vertical stand for North America will be announced when available. Release date and price of the vertical stand for Europe/ PAL territories and Asian countries and regions will be announced when available.

Product Outline: PlayStation®3 (CECH-2000A)
Product name: PlayStation®3
Product code: CECH-2000A (Charcoal Black)
CPU: Cell Broadband Engine™
Audio output: LPCM 7.1ch, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC.
Memory: 256MB XDR Main RAM, 256MB GDDR3 VRAM
Hard disk: 2.5” Serial ATA 120GB
Inputs/Outputs: Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0), Networking, Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) × 1, IEEE 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth® 2.0 (EDR)
Controller: Wireless Controller Bluetooth®
AV output: Resolution 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i (for PAL 576p, 576i)
HDMI OUT connector: 1
AV MULTI OUT connector: 1
Digital out (optical) connector: 1
BD, CD drive (read only) Maximum read rate: BD × 2 (BD-ROM), DVD × 8 (DVD-ROM), CD × 24 (CD-ROM)
Power: AC 220 – 240, 50/60Hz*4
Power consumption: Approx. 250W
External dimensions (excluding maximum projecting part ): Approx. 290 × 65 × 290 mm (width × height × length)
Mass: Approx. 3.2kg
Included: PlayStation®3 system × 1, Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®3) × 1, AC power cord × 1, AV cable × 1, USB cable × 1

*1 Hard disk capacity calculated using base 10 mathematics (1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes). System software versions 1.10 and later calculate capacity using binary mathematics (1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes), which will display lower capacity and free space. A portion of hard disk capacity is reserved for system administration, which varies depending upon system software version, and is not available for use.

*2 Usability of all connected devices is not guaranteed.

*3 "Deep Colour" and "x.v.Colour (xvYCC)" defined by HDMI ver.1.3a are supported.

*4 Power changes depending on countries or regions.

*5 For certain regions, Euro-AV cable will be included.

Note: This product is not compatible with PlayStation®2 games.
Sieht in der Tat recht billig aus. Aber wichtig ist mir der deutlich geringere Stromverbrauch. Wie gesagt: wenn die noch 50 Euro runtergeht oder ein gutes Bundle kommt, komme ich wieder in Versuchung.

Ein kleiner Bash muss trotzdem sein:

* Statusanzeige - In der rechten Ecke oben wird nun ein Indikator Bar sein, das den Benutzer-Symbol anzeigt, Symbol der Freunde, die Anzahl aller Freunde und User erfahren dank einem Message-Symbol, ob sie eine neue Nachricht erhalten haben.

Wow! :zahn:


Zum Unterscheiden der neuen und der alten

Removal of “Install Other OS” feature
The new PS3 system will focus on delivering games and other entertainment content, and users will not be able to install other Operating Systems to the new PS3 system.
Along with a vast line-up of attractive and exciting entertainment content with the new PS3 system, SCE will continue to further expand the PS3 platform and create a new world of computer entertainment.

George Foreman Grill vs. Sandwich Toaster :hase:

Langsam wird die Kiste für mich interessant, aber sie muss noch weiter im Preis runter und vor allem PS2 abwärtskompatibilität haben.