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Metroid Prime

Hier ist noch der Rest des IGN Reviews von Metroid Prime:


Unquestionably a must-have masterpiece for GameCube and faithful 3D translation of the sci-fi franchise.

November 11, 2002 -
Nearly two decades ago Nintendo created a sci-fi adventure that pushed gameplay design boundaries to new limits. Named Metroid, for the energy-sucking creatures featured in it, the franchise debuted on the NES to make a larger splash in America than Japan. Knowing it had only laid the foundation for greater things to come, though, Nintendo went on to create sequels on the Game Boy and Super Nintendo. Regarding the latter, Super Metroid proved to be one of the most detailed and creative 2D games ever, offering up fantastic vertical platforming and unbridled exploration of the moody worlds. In the wake of that, it has been called one of the greatest games of all time by numerous publications.
Since then, fans of the series have been clamoring for another addition to the series. However, due to the dying popularity of 2D gaming and the increasing complexity of 3D, Nintendo avoided the Metroid franchise for many years. But that didn't stop Metroid fanatics' pleas and eventually with the onset of its new GameCube technology, Nintendo gave in and began development on Metroid Prime in mid-2000 at newly formed second-party Retro Studios. Only then, doubts began to set in that an American studio could bring the franchise into 3D, and the eventual confirmation that the series would be handled from a first-person perspective seemed blasphemy.

Astonishingly, the final product is anything but that. Instead, Metroid Prime has undergone the same brilliant translation into 3D that Nintendo's acclaimed Legend of Zelda franchise has. Indeed, one of the greatest game franchises of all time is totally reborn on Nintendo GameCube, replete with nearly everything that made Super Metroid so stellar and perhaps even more. From the amazingly polished gameplay design to the gorgeous visuals and atmospheric soundtrack, Metroid Prime is unquestionably a must-have masterpiece and a show horse that all forthcoming adventure titles will be judged by.

The Facts
- The return of Samus Aran and the Metroid franchise
- 3D first-person adventure game with third-person elements
- Morph into a ball and navigate small tunnels, ride half-pipes, magnetic tracks and more
- Use bombs in ball mode to gain access to otherwise unattainable areas
- Traverse a crippled spaceship and explore the vast worlds of Tallon IV
- Take advantage of Samus's many powers using new suits that enable her to gain new abilities and revisit earlier worlds to uncover many hidden secrets
- Master Samus's combat, scan, and visors -- elements crucial to your success
- Explore each area to find many familiar weapons, such as the Wave Beam, Ice Beam, and some all-new ones as well
- Advanced 3D engine draws beautifully detailed worlds with massive geometry, crisp textures, lighting and particle effects and more at 60 frames per second
- Flawless camera sys
tem blends first- and third-person views in-game
- In-game cut-scenes highlight the action
- Totally immersive, focused on single-player game
- Traditional Metroid style adventure with numerous boss figures and power-ups
- Supports progressive scan for HDTV users
- Runs in Dolby Pro Logic II with capable stereo setup
- No widescreen setting
- Connect to GBA's Metroid Fusion to unlock extra goodies
- Unlock art galleries, difficulty settings, and more
- 25+ hours of gameplay

Metroid Prime is an action-packed adventure set in the first-person perspective that takes place just after the events in the original Metroid (NES). It has lead character Samus Aran, a bounty hunter by trade, chasing down the evil Space Pirates. Their intention is to use a genetic mutagen called Phazon to create a super army and take over the universe. While the installments in the series before have never been home to deeply involving storylines, Metroid Prime breaks the shell to offer up one of the most intriguing and read-worthy sagas yet. Equipped with a scanning tool, one of many useful features of the Power Suit that protects the hunter's body, Samus Aran can uncover important details about the past and present. As the player, it's easy to become absorbed in the grim tale, and furthermore because you save all data to your log book, it becomes a practical novel of research data available at any time. Next to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, it's one of most well done story concepts on GameCube yet, which is an especially rare treat given that it's based on the Metroid franchise. Moreover, the solitary nature of being a bounty hunter on the unfamiliar planet of Tallon IV makes understanding the plot all the more rewarding and immersive.


The prevailing gameplay style, polished and refined, is perfectly representative of the standards laid down in Super Metroid. In fact, Prime manages to bring nearly every major element of the series, sans the Screw Attack and Dash Boots, to this new adventure. Like before, the focus is exploring the massive, uncharted planet around you. As Aran, you begin your quest with nothing. Your most important Power Suit features -- the ability to roll into a Morph Ball, jump higher, carve through ice, etc. -- must be gained through exploration and persistence. The general progression teases you with sights of inaccessible doorways, out of reach platforms, and often caustic environments that require suit upgrades. For example the lava-filled caverns of Magmoor require a suit upgrade to shield you from the heat, grey doors call for the Ice Beam, and numerous elevated platforms demand a special pair of boots. These upgrades are only a few of the many. It is this delicate and sophisticated balance that makes Metroid Prime the incredible design accomplishment that it is. It is one massive world tied together by a handful of elevators and secret passages. The rewarding sensation of discovering new areas and powering up your arsenal of weapons and tools is unmatched.

Complex puzzles pla
y hugely into this design. Around every corner Metroid Prime demands that the player figure out something. Occasionally it's simple and at other times it requires drawing on everything you've learned to that point, but it is always gratifying. This system of awarding you for even the smallest of your efforts makes it extremely difficult to travel to the nearest save station and take a break. There is always something tugging at the back of your mind, begging you to try out your newest skill and solve what may have previously seemed like an impossible puzzle. In particular, Retro Studios has taken hold of the many opportunities that arise from Samus's ability to change into a Morph Ball. You must use it in half-pipes to speed to higher points and quite often the camera switches to a 2D-style perspective to reveal mazes and pinball-esque designs. One of our favorite puzzle environments submerges the Morph Ball underwater. Only with the clever detonation of bombs and exploiting the lessened gravity will you make it to the exit. Moments like these are littered liberally all over the worlds, which keeps gameplay from getting repetitive. It also easily makes Metroid Prime the most diverse and complicated in the series. It is not remotely easy or passive in any way, which is exactly what we adore about it. Likewise, the pacing of the design and balance is the best we've seen in years. It's truly remarkable.

Meanwhile, action and shooting also factors largely into the experience. Again, the balance is a throwback to the previous Metroids where every section of the world has some kind of life in it. The combat system, like Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time before it, adheres to a lock-on mechanic to simplify shootouts in the 3D world. Couple this with the fact that the controls are not dual analog, and it should be clear that Metroid Prime is not intended to be your traditional first-person shooter. Exploration composes the bulk of the quest, and enemies are merely there to inject the game with a healthy dose of action. In fact, fighting enemies can often be a puzzle itself. There are a lot of cleverly designed creatures that require scanning them to find weakpoints, and making use of that information is very important. Some are more simply defeated and others take diligence. The Space Pirates that have invaded Tallon IV present the biggest threat, but the creature list is pretty huge overall. Wasp-like insects swarm Samus when you near their hive, snarling Baby Sheegoth -- the guard dogs of the icy Phendrana Drifts -- charge you at first sight, and mechanical drones unleash rapid gunfire onto you if alarmed.

That is but a small portion of the list, and there are other foes that cause trouble in a more subtle way. For example, one particularly neat beetle-like creature vacuums up Samus in Morph Ball form and ejects you out the nearest exit. As a whole, the controls work perfectly for the game style, and combat can still be very intense and satisfying. As a matter of fact, artificial intelligence is handled pretty well and ramps up as you progress deeper on your journey. Namely, the Space Pirates begin to take cover when attacke
d, leaping huge distances to gain a better vantage point. They can be very aggressive, sometimes working in teams. If you have any apprehension that the said lock-on system will not provide a challenge, think again. Things get very difficult. The only qualm we have with the combat, is that you must repeatedly engage in the same battles. It's meant to be faithful to the previous Metroids, where enemies reappear after you leave a room, but with the increased difficulty and complexity it can seem unfair at times. It's debatable, however, and once you've honed your skills enough it shouldn't pose a major problem.


Additionally, you will have to face off with about a dozen mini-boss and boss figures. On a much larger scale than figuring out basic enemies, the bosses all have some weakness that must be exploited. As you acquire more skills, the requirements for defeating each boss become more imposing. Equally impressive is that nearly every boss figure towers high above Samus. We found the collection of foes to be some of the best and most cleverly designed we've faced in a great while. It's another element of Metroid Prime that exudes the kind of polish that Nintendo so consistently delivers to its Zelda series. Needless to say, we were very happy with the boss sequences, and we're positive you'll find them very gratifying.

In its entirety, the package screams sky-high production values from start to finish. Everything about Metroid Prime is absolutely amazing. Just as we experienced total elation with Zelda's transition from 2D to 3D (The Ocarina of Time, 1998), we can now enjoy that same caliber thrill with Metroid Prime, which is every bit as fantastic as Super Metroid. Make haste, and add Prime to your GameCube collection.

Aesthetically, Metroid Prime is one of the most gorgeous games we've ever seen. It owes its beauty to two major components: art direction and a technologically impressive engine. It is so extremely rare that we see a game bring both elements together so tightly. In Metroid Prime's case, the art direction is probably the more fantastic of the two. Retro Studios' artists have created a completely believable style for this science fiction fantasy. Borrowing concepts from the original designs in Metroid and Super Metroid, Retro's stunning art vision is generously spread across several uniquely themed environments; the verdant rain-soaked overworld, steamy magma-filled cavern, and hazy mining facilities make up but a few of the diverse areas.
Even more extraordinary is that every new section of the world you enter looks completely different thanks to brilliant architecture; the Chozo Ruins are off-kilter, dry, and crumbling, Phendrana Drifts' walls are carved from ancient ice that radiates with a blue glow, and Magmoor Caverns is a maze of claustrophobic, lava-filled passageways. The attention to detail continues to a more microscopic level, as you can cast your gaze in almost any direction and see something you may not have noticed before; flocks of birds soar under the hot sun, indents or
juts on walls and flooring are cause for a more organic feel, bridges are not square or obvious, but instead intertwined branches or fallen rubble, and every wall has a different set of cracks and chips. If Retro Studios has proven one thing, it is how extremely valuable artistry is for establishing the mood of a game and immersing the player. There are few 3D videogames that can hold a candle to this visionary masterpiece.

Naturally, that accomplishment is only possible with the backing of equally ambitious technology. The programming team at Retro Studios has constructed a flexible engine that is capable of drawing these detailed and sometimes massive environments at 60 frames per second with no slowdown. At first glance it may not seem like the worlds are high polygon, but with all the subtleties and organic architecture there is a lot going on. Furthermore, the character rendering is truly jaw-dropping. Samus, the various creatures, and the gigantic boss figures are all tremendously detailed. There are a few in-engine cut-scenes in the game that could easily be mistaken for full-motion video. For example, one incident that unfolds as you defeat the final boss will take your breath away. Indeed, it's very often that Metroid Prime will have you second-guessing how the engine is capable of so much.

That's not to say it's perfect, however. Textures are complex and plentiful, even crisp from far away, but up close the quality falters. Furthermore, the much-talked-about bump-mapping technique, used to give textures more depth, is nowhere to be found. It seems likely that these drawbacks are a product of keeping Prime running at 60 fps with so much diversity and intricacy. Nonetheless there are a host of other effects that easily overshadow what's lacking. For starters, the visor effects such as Infrared and X-ray prove incredibly accurate. Unbelievably, every object has a sensible heat signature; machinery displays as dark blues and black while living creatures, lights, and other heated objects light up in orange and red. Likewise, the X-ray visor is so precise it even reveals the bones in Samus's hand. There are also a handful of atmospheric conditions that affect Samus's visor: condensation builds from passing under a waterfall or through steam, static and veins of electricity brand the screen when Samus interacts with energy-charged objects, and raindrops and splashes of water create a temporary refraction of the world around you. The numerous eye-popping effects -- so many we can't detail them all -- pull you into the world and don't let go.


Equally important is the lighting model found in Prime. Nearly everything that moves produces beautiful, vibrant lighting. The shots from Samus's gun, the beams that radiate out of the Morph Ball, and the varying overcast of colors that set the mood in the environments exploits the very robust lighting GameCube is capable of. It produces a lot of depth by interacting with the detailed architecture, and the desire for bump-mapping is lessened because of it.

To top it all off, those w
ith a progressive scan capable television can benefit from a truly gorgeous display. Metroid Prime looks incredible with the blazingly fast framerate and myriad of effects. Unfortunately, there is no widescreen support.

It should come as no surprise that Metroid Prime is home to the best sound design yet on GameCube. The Kenji Yamamoto composed soundtrack is every bit as characteristic and pleasing as Super Metroid was before it. For very good reason, too, as Yamamoto was the original composer. The Japanese surprises with incredibly versatility, twisting together light atmospheric melodies that hang on the air and driving industrial beats, which give it a distinct modern tinge. As soundtrack done completely with MIDI, Yamamoto proves that redbook audio can be overrated. Heavy drums, piano, voiced chants, clangs of pipes, ominous electric guitar hooks, and many synthesized effects produce a distinctly alien mood. More impressive is that there are a lot of subtle audio cues that affect the player during the experience. When fighting the music gets very aggressive and perhaps after you've beaten a boss you'll find there is a more driving beat that parallels your excitement. Naturally, many themes from the previous games have returned too. You'll recognize them frequently, but Yamamoto has been keen to add new flavor to them. The same goes for the celebratory melodies heard when kicking off your quest from your last save point or finding a power-up. So, both fans and new Metroid followers alike will find the listening experience absolutely rocks.
Complimenting the high quality soundtrack, Metroid Prime comes chock full of a sound effects library to die for. There has been great attention to detail from the foreign growls of the Space Pirates to the screeches of the alien insects. Every mechanical sound that Samus's Power Suit utters is almost exactly as you imagine it would be. Add to that, the environment around you is littered with random noises, whether it is the hiss of a nearby steam vent or the cranking of a nearby elevator there is a lot to absorb. The atmospheres just seem to echo and blend perfectly with the overlying soundtrack.

Mixed in Dolby Pro Logic II by a member of Dolby itself, Prime is a stellar treat for the ears that we can find few issues with.

9.8 und 10?
also ein perfektes spiel?
naja, ich halte nicht viel von metroid und 3d, nee
das geht nicht, woei ich nicht sagen will, dass es schlecht ist
Die zwei Reviews(vorallem das von IGN)sind dermaßen euphorisch und vielversprechend,dass ich nochmal um 100%heißer auf das Spiel bin.Und noch so lange....scheiss Freeloader:bawling:
Wieso, wenn du dir noch heute einen US Cube bestellst, und der versand 4-5 tage über den atlantik braucht, dann hast du ihn noch rechtzeitig bis zum 18.! :D
Original geschrieben von Th3CoRdmAn
Wieso, wenn du dir noch heute einen US Cube bestellst, und der versand 4-5 tage über den atlantik braucht, dann hast du ihn noch rechtzeitig bis zum 18.! :D

ich werde wohl zuerst den US cube dann re0 und mp , und dann meinen spannungswandler bekommen :shake: :D
Und hier kommt das GameSpot Review:

Let's get right to the point: Metroid Prime is the best GameCube game to date. It's one of the best games on any platform this year, and, for good measure, it's also the best game yet in Nintendo's highly acclaimed Metroid series. Many were rightfully skeptical about whether an unknown Texas-based developer could take the classic open-ended, side-scrolling action adventure gameplay formula of the Metroid series and successfully translate it into 3D. And these are the people who will no doubt come away most impressed of all with Metroid Prime, which is in every respect a pure and true successor to the series of games that inspired it. At the same time, those who have never played a Metroid game before are likely to be just as taken with Metroid Fusion. This first-person action adventure game is filled with so much detail, style, and originality that literally every gamer should play it.

Samus Aran is back in the biggest, best Metroid game yet.

It's not a first-person shooter. Metroid Prime doesn't play like any other game that's come before it, and it emphasizes exploration and investigation at least as much as pure action. So the pacing is deliberate at times, though the going is never slow. As in all other Metroid games, you'll assume the role of interstellar bounty hunter Samus Aran, whose objective this time out is to search the planet Tallon IV for signs of illicit activity on the part of the Zebesian space pirates and put a stop to them once and for all. Clad in her distinctive red-and-gold power suit, Samus is a self-sufficient and versatile, and controlling her is quite a bit different from what you may be used to in first-person games.

Don't expect some sweeping space opera of a story. This game draws you in not with storytelling but with a vast, seamless 3D world that sprawls out in front of you in all directions, just waiting for you to discover all its many secrets. These secrets are justified: Samus' unique body armor was crafted by a mysteriously vanished race of birdlike scientist-philosophers who colonized Tallon IV and hid away its greatest treasures for their own kind. All this is suggestive of one of the most impressive accomplishments of Metroid Prime: It never breaks you out of the experience of the game. The far-flung futuristic technology and the imaginative alien world come across as surprisingly believable.

While Metroid Prime isn't plot-driven, it provides you with lots and lots of context. One of the game's key mechanics is Samus' ability to switch between a number of different "visors," which are essentially different types of heads-up displays. Her default view, the combat visor, provides a clear, straightforward picture of her surroundings and features a helpful radar display for tracking enemy movement. In this mode, Samus can easily target and accurately fire upon any enemies in the vicinity. Meanwhile, the other visor she starts out with requires her to lower
her weapons, but it allows her to analyze various objects of interest, from Tallon IV's numerous alien creatures to environmental anomalies to alien technologies. You scan objects the same way you'd normally target them: by pressing and holding the controller's left shoulder button, which commences a quick scan that then reveals key information using concisely written text. Objects that can be scanned are denoted with colored icons visible only in scanning mode, and truly important objects are clearly highlighted, effectively giving you the option to bypass all the other unknown items of lesser import.

While the notion of reading pseudo-scientific text while playing Metroid Prime may not sound very appealing, it actually works pretty well as a sort of storytelling device. When you eventually raid the space pirates' stronghold, you'll feel a chill as you read about their various genetic experiments and look over their reports on the damage you've caused. Also, scanning enemies generally clues you in on whatever weaknesses they may have, though it's a bit odd that the action pauses for your reading convenience. Every new creature species or other important piece of information you scan is stored in a logbook, and you'll likely enjoy reviewing this material every now and then, since it's all written using such a cohesive style.

Retro Studios has done the impossible: This truly is Metroid in 3D.

In addition to her combat visor and scan visor, Samus will eventually find a thermal visor used for detecting heat signatures of living creatures or energy sources and an X-ray visor used for detecting illusions or incorporeal objects. You can easily switch between the four visors by pressing different directions on the D pad, and you can likewise switch between your four different primary weapon modes (assuming you've found them all) by pressing in different directions using the controller's right analog stick. The classic Metroid weapons are all here. Samus' default semiautomatic power beam rapidly fires bursts of superheated energy. Her wave beam's electrical charge is especially good at disrupting energy-based opponents or triggering long-dormant energy sources. Her ice beam can freeze foes in their tracks, making them brittle enough that they can be shattered. And her plasma beam shoots intensely hot lavalike rays that can disintegrate victims on the receiving end. Samus gains the ability to charge up an especially powerful blast from each of these weapons, and she can also fire a limited number of ballistic missiles that can be combined with any of the main weapons for a number of extremely damaging special attacks. Unlike in previous Metroid games, none of Samus' weapons are ever replaced--her arsenal only grows in size, and all her available armaments remain tactically useful throughout the game.

The rest of Metroid Prime's controls do an excellent job of capturing the classic feel of the Metroid games in full 3D and, in their own right, of simulating what it might be like to be in Samus' armor-plate
d boots. The left analog stick is normally used to move forward and backward and turn left and right. Strafing from side to side is accomplished by holding the left trigger in while moving the analog stick in the desired direction, while looking up or down is handled by holding the right trigger in while moving in the desired direction. This may seem a bit awkward at first, but it's intentionally so. You'll actually see Samus clasp her free hand on her blaster when she aims up or down, and she has some difficulty craning her neck all the way forward or back, as well she should in that hefty suit of hers.

It may look like a typical first-person shooter, but it isn't. Metroid Prime is fresh and innovative.

That's not to say Samus is sluggish or ungainly. In fact, she has all the grace, poise, and skills that made 1994's Super Metroid such a great game to play. While targeting a foe, she can perform quick lateral evasive leaps to stay out of harm's way, and her own aim is almost flawless. The typical first-person shooter challenge of manually targeting enemies really isn't a consideration in Metroid Prime, as Samus' integrated targeting systems aim for you at the touch of a button. For this reason, even from the get-go, you'll distinctly get the impression that Samus is very powerful, and that few enemies could stand toe-to-toe with her. This makes sense, as she didn't become an interstellar bounty hunter for nothing. But fear not, because Samus will assuredly have to contend with some extremely strong adversaries, many of which require some vastly different tactics to defeat. Some of Metroid Prime's enemies are throwbacks to previous games in the series. Notably, you'll get to square off against the jellyfish-like metroids, which will latch onto you and drain your energy if you aren't careful. The space pirates also make for some fine adversaries, as these hulking, mantislike creatures come in a number of dangerous varieties and can be quite clever in a fight. You'll also engage in some memorable, protracted battles against a number of big, tough boss monsters--another signature element of the series.

Just as Metroid Prime focuses equally on action and exploration, so does its challenge equally stem from dangerous enemies and environmental obstacles. For one thing, Samus will need to do a lot of jumping to get where she needs to go. Jumping mechanics are notoriously bad in almost every single first-person game, but Metroid Prime miraculously bucks this trend. It's difficult to explain precisely why the jumping in Metroid Prime feels so right. Part of it is that Samus' perspective automatically tilts slightly with the trajectory of her leap, a logical touch that frees you from ever having to adjust your perspective in midair. Another part of it is that Samus naturally jumps high and far, especially once she upgrades her jumping ability, so that suddenly she's able to make leaps that are huge and dramatic but still controlled. Yet another part of it is Metroid Prime's level design, which is so exceptional t
hat calling it "level design" seems almost derogatory.

In fact, the game has no levels. It's all one vast, continuous world that somehow manages to blend numerous, starkly different environments, from lush tropics to dusty caverns to frigid fields of ice to hellish lakes of fire. Metroid Prime has no loading times whatsoever, not when you first turn on your GameCube, and not when you run through miles of Tallon IV's incredibly detailed vistas. Using a classic convention of the Metroid series--areas of Tallon IV are walled off by iris-shaped doors that must be shot open using your beam weapons--the game manages to quietly, invisibly stream new content in the background as you move along. This is similar to a technical feat first seen in Crystal Dynamics' imaginative Soul Reaver games, only Metroid Prime's environments are even more detailed and the background loading is even more transparent than in those games.

The benefits to there being no loading times in the game cannot be overstated. One way to put it is, after playing Metroid Prime, you may find that most level-based games seem somehow primitive to you. At any rate, the sheer size, the remarkable detail, and the continuous nature of Metroid Prime's setting are huge parts of what makes the game so fantastic. You'll see tremendous variety in the scenery, from tight, claustrophobic corridors to flooded passageways to vast, elaborate temples, and it all looks natural and lifelike and yet isn't confusing or bewildering. When you can jump to reach a certain area, you'll know. When something is out of your reach, you'll know why. How the designers were able to make environments that have a natural feel and yet are easy to explore without seeming contrived is an utter mystery. One thing's for certain: The designers at Retro Studios are extremely talented.

The detail and variety in the game's environments is amazing.

Metroid Prime has as much variety in its gameplay as it does in its environments. Metroid fans will be thrilled to find that the mechanics of Samus' morph ball ability are more enjoyable here than in any previous game in the series. At the same time, those unfamiliar with Metroid will be really surprised when they first see Samus roll up into a perfect sphere that can hurtle about like a living bowling ball. Samus can switch to morph ball mode at any time, causing the game to casually switch to a third-person point of view, in which Samus can move about very quickly or creep her way into otherwise inaccessible areas. She'll learn to drop energy bombs in morph ball mode, and fans of the classic games will be overjoyed to find that she can still use those bombs to propel herself in different directions, or even to juggle herself high into the air by detonating bombs with proper timing. Later, she'll even gain the ability to ride along magnetic rails up walls, onto ceilings, and all around. Like some space-age skateboarder, she'll even be able to use her momentum to roll higher and higher up what are honest-to-goodness half-pipes. Samus'
ability to roll up into a ball has always been one of the strangest, most distinctive parts of the Metroid series, and in Metroid Prime, the morph ball makes for some of the game's most amusing and most surprising moments.

Considering the vastness of Tallon IV, finding your way around is surprisingly manageable. By pressing the Z button at any point during play, you can call up a 3D map of the area that, at first, looks terrifying, with winding passageways veering off in every direction. Yet you'll find that this 3D map is in fact very effective, clearly displaying your position in the area, all possible (unhidden) exits to other areas, and key points of interest that you've either discovered or whose location you've downloaded. The game's plot, such as it is, moves along as you receive sporadic updates that encourage you to head off to previously unexplored regions. So the early going is actually fairly linear, though you always have the option to put off your next objective and see what you can find off the beaten path. But you might as well wait until later on in the game when you're well equipped with all of Samus' various powers, which let her explore quickly and efficiently. The gameplay really opens up toward the end, as once you've essentially gotten all of Samus' powers, you'll then have to use them to explore places you've already been to, only with the intent of uncovering things that you didn't even know were there the first time through. It would have been nice if the map allowed you to plot waypoints, but it still greatly facilitates your exploring.

Metroid fans will be happy to find that almost all the series' conventions are intact.

Ironically, the criticisms that can be leveled against Metroid Prime are associated with certain conventions that are integral to the Metroid series and must have been deliberately put into this game to keep things faithful. For instance, the notion of having to backtrack through previously explored areas has grown unpopular with gamers over the years, and yet backtracking is certainly required in Metroid Prime. But this is a good kind of backtracking--you'll reenter the same areas from different directions and equipped with vastly different abilities, and you'll enjoy blasting to smithereens those same enemies that caused you a lot more trouble your first time through. That's another thing, actually: Just like in past Metroid games, enemies in Metroid Prime respawn soon after you leave an area. It's not necessarily realistic that your foes will keep reappearing, but it does keep things lively. Additionally, all the jumping, even though it's done so well, will be a sticking point for some, mostly for those who approach Metroid Prime as a shooter and not as an action adventure. These players should at least appreciate that Samus never sustains damage from falling (another Metroid convention) and that there are no do-or-die jumps in the game. If you fall, you can try again. The lack of any real narrative might also disappoint some players, and finally, someone,
somewhere will complain that Metroid Prime has no multiplayer features. But we'll leave that for someone, somewhere to complain about, since it's hardly relevant.

Metroid Prime grows on you as you play. For instance, at first you might not see what's so remarkably impressive about its visuals, since Metroid Prime at first looks like any old sci-fi-themed shooter. But then you'll start to see more and more amazing little details. You'll see water streak down Samus' visor when she emerges from a lake. You'll see light seem to bend into the intense radiation of the supercharged energy blasts from her beam weapon. You'll see Samus' own face reflected in her visor when there's a bright flash of light nearby. And you'll even see the skeletal frame of Samus' hand toggling switches within her blaster when you change primary firing modes while using the X-ray visor. These are subtle points that you'll deeply appreciate rather than overlook. You'll also continue to wonder at how the game manages to produce such vivid landscapes without stopping to load them. Crisp, clean textures and complex geometry can be seen throughout, and while not all the graphics are jaw-dropping, all the little things add up to give the game an unparalleled visual presentation. For good measure, Metroid Prime supports progressive-scan displays.

It also supports Dolby Pro Logic II setups for some great surround sound. Though the visuals are spectacular and really pull you into the experience, the game's audio also makes a significant contribution to Metroid Prime's atmosphere. There's no speech whatsoever, but a large variety of sound effects accompany all the various weapons, creatures, and environments that you'll see. Some of the creatures sound really menacing, and the weapons shriek with the sort of intensity you'd hope for. But the environmental audio is probably what's best. The game is loaded with hidden items that boost Samus' missile capacity, energy capacity, and more, and you'll learn to listen for the distinct low whirring that signifies the proximity of these objects. To actually find these items, you'll often have to switch visors, but the thermal and X-ray visors make their own noises that all but drown out the ambient sound of the power-up. At any rate, sound is a critical part of the game. Metroid Prime's musical score is also by and large very successful. Though the tracks are heavily synthesized and sound as though they could have come from 1994's Super Metroid, they help evoke suspense, intensity, calm, or panic mostly at all the right moments. Metroid fans will also really appreciate that a majority of the game's music actually consists of remixed tracks from previous installments in the series.

You don't need to be a Metroid fan to see that this is one incredible game.

Metroid Prime is a lengthy game that should take approximately 20 hours to finish the first time through, though you could easily spend a lot more time in the game trying to find everything that's hidden away. Successfully completin
g Samus' mission unlocks a harder difficulty mode in which enemies are considerably tougher, and chances are you'll want to give this tougher setting a shot. Furthermore, those who own a Game Boy Advance, a GameCube-to-GBA link capable, and a copy of Metroid Fusion (an original GBA Metroid game released simultaneously with Metroid Prime) can unlock a couple of other nice features. One is a real treat: a straight port of the original 1987 Metroid game, which actually holds up pretty well. Another is purely cosmetic, allowing you play through Metroid Prime in Samus' funky yellow-and-fuchsia suit from Metroid Fusion. But you shouldn't need these extras to compel you to play Metroid Prime. It's not just one of the single most atmospheric games ever created, but it's also quite simply one of the best.

TILT: 10


So langsam machen mir diese Hype-Wertungen Angst :D Und ab Mittwoch rotiert das Game in meinem Laufwerk :anim:
Original geschrieben von smooth
Wowdi. Und dann noch die Wertung von GameSpot, das soll schon was heißen! :biggthump

Naja die Wertungen von Gamespot interesieren mih seit der 8.0 für Mario Sunshine eigentlich gar nicht mehr.
Original geschrieben von Benicube
Naja die Wertungen von Gamespot interesieren mih seit der 8.0 für Mario Sunshine eigentlich gar nicht mehr.
Ich meinte ja nur, da sie sonst ziemlich schlecht bewerten. Wirklich ernst nehme ich sie auch nicht, das gleiche gilt übrigens auch für IGN, die meistens einen ziemlich hype veranstalten...:dozey:
Original geschrieben von smooth

Ich meinte ja nur, da sie sonst ziemlich schlecht bewerten. Wirklich ernst nehme ich sie auch nicht, das gleiche gilt übrigens auch für IGN, die meistens einen ziemlich hype veranstalten...:dozey:

Ja IGN hat vorallem bei Metroid Prime einen enormen Hype ausgelöst.
Habt ihr eigentlich noch immer nicht kapiert, was solche Wertungen bedeuten? Eine 10 heisst noch lange nicht, dass etwas perfekt ist. Es ist mitunter das beste, was man im Moment zu sehen kriegt, konsolenübergreifend. Aber es bedeutet nicht, dass es in einem Monat oder einem Jahr noch so ist. Aber man kann doch ein Game nicht nach den Standards bewerten, die erst in 10 Jahren aktuell sind. Oder hätte man SNES Games gleich eine 1er Grafikwertung geben sollen damals, weil man heute 3D Games hat? :breit:

Metroid Prime ist grafisch spektakulärer als alles, was man bis jetzt auf dem Cube gesehen hat und eine 10 hat es zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt absolut verdient.