... is breaking bad
Original geschrieben von Tabris
Und hier noch ein kleines Appetithäppchen für alle wartenden Zocker
Metroid Prime Demo (MP3, 2.9 MB)
hört sich cool an

erinnert an alte zeiten

leider wird es nicht im spiel auftachen, auch wenn das posting dieses vermuten lässt:
Monday, June 17th (2:06PM) - Amusingly enough, ign.com mentioned me on their site (at http://cube.ign.com/mail/2002-06-14.html, all the way at the bottom of the page) which started off a huge chain reaction. Lots of new visitors to my site and lots of new guestbook signings. I'm glad everyone likes my Metroid Prime demo tune, but note that it won't be in the final game. It was just a demo for Retro to listen to, as I was applying for the job of composer on the project. I didn't get the assignment, but making the demo song was really fun, especially since I love Tanaka's original Metroid music.
Quelle: www.zhaymusic.com
schade, aber vielleicht erwartet uns ja noch besseres?