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Vielleicht auch schon auf TGS oder gar GC?
Ihr Vorzeige EyePet ist aber MiLo und da wird nicht viel mehr bei rum kommen als bei Black and White und FableMS kann doch in alle Richtungen entwickeln, auch sowas wie EyePet.![]()
das war ein Spiel.War Milo denn überhaupt als "Spiel" angekündigt oder war das nur ne Techdemo?
Naja, Dimitri war nie als Spiel angekündigt. Und "jahrelang" ist übertrieben.Ok, dann wird das ein Flop![]()
Ich bin nach wie vor begeistert.
Pedobear.gifEurogamer: How long have you been working on Milo?
Peter Molyneux: There are two answers to that. We started work with the Natal stuff in December, and the first thing we did was go round all the Microsoft people - the handwriting recognition people, the facial recognition people, the motion recognition people. We brought the technology together and put it in there.
So the world you see created here has been in development since December. Before that, we'd been working on this thing called emotional AI since we finished the first Black and White.
Eurogamer: Is this what you used to call Project Dmitri?
Peter Molyneux: Yes.
Eurogamer: I'm trying to understand how much of this comes from Lionhead and how much comes from Microsoft...
Peter Molyneux: A lot of stuff, like the voice recognition stuff, is based on things like Windows 7 technology. We just went round and took all that stuff and fitted it together. The interesting thing is, a lot of that stuff existed without reason - and when you bring it all together with something like this, it kind of works.
Eurogamer: One of my colleagues did want me to ask why you made him a 12 year-old boy, and not a nubile 17 year-old lady acrobat?
Peter Molyneux: If we were making a porn game, I probably would do that. He's not 12, he's about 10, and that's before he's hit puberty. Part of the amazing impact of this is he can remind you of your childhood.
Eurogamer: My colleague pointed out that if it was a 17 year-old acrobat, instead of things like 'Have you done your homework?' you could say, 'Will you take your bra off?'
Peter Molyneux: Yeah, you could do. You could make a great porn game with this stuff, that's absolutely for sure. But I'd love the idea that you've got this character who you are inspiring. It is such a wonderful feeling that to inspire anything, whether it's a dog or a person or a kid. When you see and feel that emotion, it's pretty emotional.
Eurogamer: So what can Milo do?
Peter Molyneux: Milo can recognise the emotions on your face and the emotions in your voice. He can recognise certain words you say. You can have conversations with him, you can read stories to him. We're trying to bring all these things together. Some of them are tricks - I'll be absolutely honest with you - to make you believe Milo's real.
He can recognise what you're wearing. If he notices you've got dark bags under your eyes he will say, 'You look tired today.'
Eurogamer: Really?
Peter Molyneux: Absolutely, all of that works. We're combining all that together to make you really believe that he understands what you say.
Let's try an experiment. When a human voice says something funny, there's a different tone in the voice. Even though Milo's not trained to recognise your voice, if you say something funny to him, he should recognise it as something amusing. Try it now.
Peter Molyneux: Now, he didn't really understand every word you said, but from the tone of your voice he guessed you were telling a joke.
Peter Molyneux: You can buy stuff for Milo's world, like a bicycle or a trampoline. He'll come back from school one day and say, 'Oh, Alex' - Alex is this character at school who always does a bit better than Milo - 'Alex has got a new bike. When can we get a new bike?'
To get that bike you need to earn money by doing activities. There are three activities you can do, and the amount of time you spend on each activity sculpts your Milo in different ways - so everybody's Milo will be completely unique to them.
If you do lots of work, your Milo will be very studious. His hair will have a side parting. He'll be quite worried about his appearance and he won't like to get dirty. Whereas if you do more of the play stuff with Milo, he'll be more of a kid who goes out and scratches his knees.
Your character doesn't have to be a boy, it can be a girl. At the start you can choose whether to be play as Milly or Milo.
Eurogamer: You said he only understands certain words. So presumably you can't have a conversation about the situation in Palestine?
Peter Molyneux: The number of words he understands is built up over time. For Claire [the lady who demoed a conversation with Milo during Microsoft's conference], it's something like 500 words.
But we haven't cracked the real problem, which is him understanding the meaning of it all. He'll give you the illusion he does that. The interesting thing is you can only talk to him when the Talk icon appears at the bottom of the screen. That's when he's listening to you; the rest of the time, he's not. He's listening to you because there's a context in which you can talk to him.
One of the journalists who came in before you had obviously read up on the Turing test. He asked Milo one of the questions in the test - 'Do you remember when we met yesterday?' Well, of course, we haven't cracked the Turing test. If we had, then applying it to a computer game would be the last of the solutions we'd use it for.
Das Projekt hat bis 2006 fünf Jahre pausiert bzw. "geruht", daher dachte ich, es hätte erst dann begonnen. Wusste ich nicht.@Frog: seit dem ersten Black and White ist also nicht Jahrelang?![]()
Sony’s motion control “doesn’t require quite the leap of faith that Natal does,” says Riccitiello
EA CEO John Riccitiello has told IndustryGamers that EA has been aware of Sony and MS’ motion-control tech for a while now, and thinks Sony’s model might be more instantly accessible.
He refers to Sony motion control efforts as “a great bridge technology,” that provides users with an brand new experience but one that “doesn’t require quite the leap of faith that Natal does.”
Of Natal, Riccitiello spoke about potential development: “It’s certainly very compelling for a number of game concepts I’ve got in my mind and my teams are working on,” he said.
“I think the challenges around it is that there’s a lot to be worked out – it’s not something consumers have interacted with before.”