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GameCube am 1.10.03 -> 99€?!

Ach, jetzt ist mir klar, was der Preis soll. Bei den neuen Zelda/Metroid Bundles ist auch noch ein Game Boy Player dabei.

Bundles ohne GBP werden wohl etwa 130€ kosten.
Ich find's eh seltsam, dass die nicht standardmässig dazugelegt werden. Schliesslich verkauft man ne Konsole ja auch nicht ohne Controller. ;)
Original geschrieben von Tabris
Ich find's eh seltsam, dass die nicht standardmässig dazugelegt werden. Schliesslich verkauft man ne Konsole ja auch nicht ohne Controller. ;)

Das hat Sony damals eingeführt und is damit gut gefahren. Dadurch wirkt die Konsole billiger als sie wirklich ist. Funzt doch heute auch noch, wer rechnet denn bei nem Preisvergleich z.b. XBox vs. PS2 bei der PS2 die MemCard dazu?
Entwickler lassen den Cube doch nicht fallen?

Nintendo Doomed?

Hey IGN,

With all this semi-recent news of third-parties dropping their support of Nintendo's console, do you think this will have an impact on their support with the next generation of consoles? I'm worried that developers have more or less given up on Nintendo in a way, and now won't support the GameCube 2 like they would the PS3 or Xbox 2. From what I've heard, these poor sales have pretty much given Nintendo a black eye as far as third-party support goes. Do you think this will carry over at all into the next generation?

Matt responds:
I don't think so. Nintendo still has the time and money to influence or change the perceptions of development studios and publishers, if it so chooses -- and here's hoping it does. But aside from that, the current situation is not quite as bleak as you might think it is. While some publishers have cut GameCube projects in the past, ever since the console's price drop to $99 many are beginning to take a more enthusiastic approach to GCN development. A developer told me last week, in fact, that while that the publishers it was working with had previously canned all of their GameCube SKUs, several of them are now back on the plate. It even said it's working on one GameCube project for 2005. So, you know, that if nothing else is a little encouraging.

Quelle: IGN