• Wie letztes Jahr von einigen gewünscht, hier eine Erinnerung zur Unterstützung.
  • Hallo zusammen, bitte prüft mal die im Forum hinterlegte Mail Adresse auf Aktualität. Es ist jetzt schon mehrfach passiert, dass Mails (z.B. für Benachrichtigung neuer PNs) nicht zugestellt werden konnten, weil die Konten nicht mehr existieren oder voll gelaufen sind. Danke!
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360 Dashboard-Update (04.12.)

So bekommen Stamm-XBL-User die 500 Gratis-Punkte:
If you were wondering how to get those precious MS Points, we have the answer.

To claim your 500 Microsoft Points, all you have to do is register on this web site using your Windows Live ID associated to your gamertag. You can register until midnight (Pacific Time) on November 29, 2007, and after you do so, you will receive an e-mail with a 25-digit code that lets you to activate your Microsoft Points through your Xbox 360 console. Don't expect that email to arrive instantly as the deadline for that email is December 21, 2007.

It is also worth mentioning that these 500 Microsoft Points expire on June 30, 2008, but we are sure you'll spend them way before that date.

Hier nochmal der Link:

Angebliche Neuerungen des Herbst-Updates (Liste geleakt):

- Compatibility with 3rd party wireless controllers
- Compatibility with messenger pad
- Xbox Live Vision firmware upgrade, sharper image filtering
- Many more Vision Cam settings
- New screensaver settings - when away from Xbox 360, screensaver will play for optional time, before screen goes dark
- New Xbox Live Arcade blade - where you can download, play and learn about Xbox Live Arcade
- Brand new “web based adver-games” flash games which aren’t downloaded, but are playable bite sized games, accessed via new Xbox Live Arcade Blade
- New Screensaver option in Themes and Gamer Pics option in Marketplace blade
- New functionality with Messenger, works with chatpad
- New XNA Game Launcher for those that have the program, new options
- New language, time and date settings
- New “advertising opportunities” in gameplay
- Xvid support
- New “favourites” option via Xbox Live Arcade, can rate according to preference
- IPTV Functionality - support for TiVo like PVR options. Will be able to record TV direct. Options include source by channel, director, actor and distributor
- Filter friends list, will be able to filter friends via games
- New clan support - will be able to launch clan games direct from dashboard, can “fold” friends into new clan category in friends list
- Better translations in settings and other options for Japanese, German and Spanish languages
- New quick option to delete via X Button in memory viewer.
- Option for having downloadable In-game content not inform when completed download
- Option for having video content not inform when completed download
- Faster settings for viewing unfinished video content downloads
- New option in Games tab - beta and others, will be launcher for MMO and multiplayer betas
- New option in Marketplace Games tab, search by letter, can be inputted via text pad or console
- Smarter game settings - you can be messaged via publishers about new in-game content for your games
- Picture in picture functionality for DVD Drive and some other updated settings
- Improved USB Keyboard settings
- Improved voice chat settings in game and from dashboard
- Faster response times to Redeem Code settings
- Option to play a Redeemed Code game straight after redeeming code
- Console will now recognise low Hard Drive space, will inform you immediately if can’t download current item, will automatically download next available that is able.
- Increased space size for gamerpics and dashboard themes
- Themes can now be animated
- Themes may now have sound effects
- Better slideshow capabilities, new options added. New sound effects and integration with Hard Drive/ PC music capable.
- New estimated timer for downloads, informing how long download will expect to take

Ganz nette Liste mit interessanten Features, wenn sie denn stimmt...bis auf:
- New “advertising opportunities” in gameplay :dozey:
Vielleicht so wie bei skate, wo sich die Werbung ingame von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisiert (bspw. wurde dort das Simpsons-Game beworben auf Litfaßsäulen in der Stadt). IMO wird das noch ne ganz schlimme Entwicklung nehmen. :dead:
och naja ich hab nichts dagegen solange die das so machen wie in der realität dass mal wo nen plakat hängt oder in nem tv dort werbung läuft oder so. macht dem ganzen doch nur ne realistischere umgebung. bei rainbow six war das auch ne schöne idee mit den kinoplakaten find ich. oder splintercell mit der wrigleys packung. für mich hat das eigentlich nen amüsanten effekt. :)
joa vielleicht kommts in 30 jahren ja wirklich dazu dass zwischendurch werbung läuft oder die spiele werden zu pay per play spielen. :zahn:
Ein paar neue Infos und Features zum Update:
Microsoft Japan recently held a small press briefing detailing some of the new features bundled into the Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard Update. With the help of Engadget Japanese's Ittousai we've been able to pinpoint a few relevant changes that are in store for next Tuesday's update. The most significant addition is the reorganization of the "games" blade (pictured above), which now features the "Game Library" (in place of "Xbox Live Arcade"), in addition to the old "Achievements" and "Played Games" sections.

When opened, the Game Library is nearly identical to the current XBLA menu, with a vertically-scrolling games list and an info box appearing for the highlighted game [Famitsu image]. New, however, is a horizontal sorting menu, broken down by filters like "All Games," "Arcade," "Demos," and "Recent Downloads." (This new horizontal and vertical organization is not unlike Sony's XMB design -- Microsoft calls it "twist" navigation, the same UI used for Zune.)

Additional Fall Update features:

* Top level of "marketplace" has been reorganized and reduced to four categories: "Featured Content," "What's New," "Game Store," and "Video Store" (below top level, categories will be navigated by twist, just like the Game Library)

* "Personal Profile" added to Gamer Profile; text field allowing approx. 500-1000 characters, providing space to publish name, nationality, region, and self introduction. (Further social networking tools to accompany 'Friends of Friends' functionality)

* XBLA demos deleted from "Played Games" and Gamercard lists

Note: This feature set is by no means complete, and we should expect to see variations in and additions to the North American update, which will be made available on Dec. 4th.
Mehr hier:



Der 4. Dezember naht mit großen Schritten und eine weitere Neuerung von Xbox Live wirft ihre Schatten voraus: Mit der neuen Version des Dashboards wird es möglich sein, die Freundesliste anderer Mitspieler anzugucken, um so Mitspieler zu finden, denen man zumindest durch einen gemeinsamen Freund verbunden ist, oder deren Gamertag man einfach vergessen hat.

Nun will aber nicht jeder seine Freundesliste aller Welt offenbaren und daher kann man schon heute einstellen, ob die eigene Freundesliste für niemanden, für alle oder für die eigenen Freunde sichtbar ist. Da das Standard-Verhalten für Erwachsene Spieler "Jeder kann meine Freundesliste sehen" sein wird, sollte jeder, der das nicht mag, [www.xbox.com/fof] besuchen und für seinen Gamertag das Wunschverhalten einstellen.

Die Freundeslisten anderer Spieler sind nur auf der Xbox 360 sichtbar und nicht auf Xbox.com, auch nicht nach dem 4. Dezember.

Und nein, das sind immer noch nicht alle Funktionen, aber mehr wird heute nicht verraten.
Quelle: Dreisechzig.net
Laut Kotaku gibt's mit dem Update definitiv auch DivX-Support (Version 5.0 und höher)!


Ansonsten hier die Pressemeldung von MS zum Update mit weiteren neuen Inhalten:

Xbox 360 Introduces New Features and Console Enhancements with the 2007 Fall Dashboard Update

Free system update hits connected consoles worldwide on Dec. 4; Xbox Originals, Family Timer and more available through download

As promised, Microsoft is bringing some early gifts to your Xbox 360 just prior to the holiday season. Beginning at 2:00 a.m. PST on Dec. 4, the Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard Update will be available for all connected Xbox 360 consoles free of charge, bringing an array of new features and enhancements to the leading gaming and entertainment system.

Among the key new enhancements are the previously announced Xbox Originals game download service, Family Timer parental control feature, and expanded social networking experiences. Xbox 360 owners can also look forward to enhanced navigation, profile and video features and Xbox LIVE Arcade Hits.

This free update will be digitally distributed over Xbox LIVE to the more than 8 million Xbox LIVE members worldwide (Xbox LIVE Silver and Gold) with no disc or hard drive required. Gamers without an Xbox LIVE account can easily sign up for the free network by connecting their console to a broadband internet connection. New features and enhancements include:


* Xbox Originals - With this new service, announced on Nov. 13, consumers can download-to-own full original Xbox games that were previously only available at retail. The digital shelves will always be stocked with classic titles, such as "Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex," "Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge," "Halo," "Fable," "Fuzion Frenzy," "Psychonauts," and more as the catalogue grows over time, at 1200 Microsoft Points per game.

* Xbox LIVE Arcade Hits - On Xbox LIVE Arcade, the Arcade Hits program kicks off where some of the best sellers will become available at permanently reduced prices, making it easier than ever for everyone to build a library of downloadable games! The first games to become Arcade Hits will be "Bankshot Billiards 2" and "Lumines LIVE," which will be available for 800 Microsoft Points each, and "Marble Blast Ultra," "Small Arms" and "Zuma Deluxe," which will be available for 400 Microsoft Points each. With free trial downloads for every game and over 100 games to choose from, Xbox LIVE Arcade offers something for every member of the family.


· Inside Xbox - A new direct feed brings current news straight from Xbox.com into the Xbox LIVE Dashboard providing members an easy, predictable entry point where they can discover what's new in: game releases, events, and Xbox LIVE Marketplace offers.

· Enhanced online profile - Members interested in sharing a few more details about themselves will have the option to go beyond their motto and further personalize their profile with an expanded bio. The extended bios will be visible to "Friends Only" or the entire Xbox LIVE community.

· Expanded Friends List access - A quick and easy way for gamers to expand their personal community on Xbox LIVE, members will be able to see the Friends Lists of other Xbox LIVE members, boosting their social networking experience on the service.


* Enhanced Parental Controls - Family Timer, a strong and flexible new addition to the Xbox 360 Family Settings, enables parents to set the amount of time their Xbox 360 can be used on a per-day or per-week basis by their children or other members of the household.

* New video features - The convenience of full-screen movie previews and enhanced video codec support further expand the options when it comes to the Xbox 360 entertainment experience.

* Easy-to-use navigation features - With several noteworthy changes in the Xbox LIVE Dashboard, from the new Game Store button to the Video Store button to enhanced visuals and descriptions in the video library, Xbox LIVE members can find what they want, when they want it.

These features are just some of the new enhancements Xbox 360 owners can expect as part of the Fall Dashboard Update. On December 4th a list of all the new features and improvements will be posted at: http://www.xbox.com/live.
AC3 Soundsupport bei AVI/Divx wäre toll gewesen.

Das Dashboard ist langsamer als vorher, bzw. es dauert bis die Blades geladen sind. vll. nur beim ersten mal, weiss ich nicht.
Beim starten von Videos dunkelt der Bildschirm langsam ab und der Acc ist schneller angemeldet.

Ansonsten ists für mich nur verschlimmbessert. Ein und dieselben Videos kann ich in zwei Blades anwählen. Wozu? Arcades ebenso... versteh ich nicht.
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