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Zukunft der Marke PlayStation

http://www.psxnation.com hat einige Theorien bezüglich Sonys Ankündigungen zur E3 im Mai:

The very first thing I expect Sony will be looking to do, is to lower the cost of a new Playstation 2. While absolutely not a certainty, I believe the reduction to be in the area of $199.00 US/$299.00 CAN. This would put the PS2 at the same price point as Nintendo's Gamecube and would also put a huge amount of distance between itself and the Xbox in terms of price. Many, many consumers have been waiting to make the jump to a next-gen console, and this move could very well be the one that finally convinces them.

The next move to watch for would be to introduce the PS2 Greatest Hits line. Lower price points for hit software means mainstream buyers. The Psone Greatest Hits line was a huge boon for Sony, and similar results should be expected with this version.

One of the most essential items on my list is to introduce the PS2 Internet Adapter, HDD, Mouse and Keyboard to North American gamers. The one thing Sony must keep in mind is that pricing is key. If priced right, this could be the most important facet of Sony's E3 plans. Also something to watch for, would be bundle packages, a possibility to keep the PS2's price at it's current level.
The next item is something we've all been waiting for. Reveal PS2 online gaming to the world. Possible titles include Grand Theft Auto 4, Twisted Metal Black Online, Planetside!!, Frequency Online (packaged w/Adapter), SOCOM, FFXI, Tribes, Star Wars Galaxies, Tony Hawk 3, Everquest, Grand Turismo 4 Online, NFL Gameday... and many more. With a killer lineup of titles such as these, Sony cannot possibly lose in this area.

Lower the price of peripherals to meet with the lower price point of the console. Mem cards, remotes and controllers. With a hard drive becoming available, memory cards become much less essential, and therefore shouldn't be able to command such a high retail price.

"But what about the games that aren't online" you ask? Sony will potentially be revealing several sure-hit exclusive sequels... Stuntman, Tomb Raider, Xenosaga, Outcast 2, Syphon Filter 4, Fear Effect 3, Ape Escape 2 and many, many more. Software will continue to be Sony's biggest strength.

Expect numerous original titles to be revealed as well. Obviously we cannot comment on which ones we think those may be, but rest assured, as in every other year, at least a few of them should be mindblowing.

And lastly, I expect much more information to be revealed about Linux. for Playstation 2. This area doesn't truly interest me, but I'm sure there are many folks out there that feel much differently.

Wenn alles so eintrifft, sieht die PS2-Zukunft ziemlich rosig aus. :D
Was mich aber überrascht hat, dass Planetside bei den möglichen Online-Titeln genannt wurde :eek: . Nur zur Erinnerung sind hier ein paar Bilder:










Hier in 3D:

Das wäre natürlich die Meldung der E3, wenn dieser Titel für die PS2 angekündigt wird.

aloha, makaha
das sind die pc pics hübsch soll ja ein onlineshooter werden ist schon lange in entwicklung !