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Konsole/PC Zenless Zone Zero - Neues Spiel der Genshin Impact Macher


Enrico Pallazzo

Zenless Zone Zero is a brand-new game IP set in a post-apocalyptic metropolitan city. It features an engaging story with a futuristic art style, distinctive characters, and an exhilarating action-orientated combat system. Players will play the role of a “Proxy” and embark on an adventure with a diverse group of partners to conquer the unknown enemies and unravel the mysteries in New Eridu—the last shelter for urban civilization.

Contemporary civilization has been destroyed by a supernatural disaster known as the “Hollows.” They grow exponentially out of thin air, creating disordered dimensions where mysterious monsters dubbed the “Ethereal” roam. New Eridu, the last urban civilization that survived the apocalypse, managed to thrive by acquiring the technology to extract valuable resources out of the Hollows.

Verspüre da starke Persona und Jet Set Radio Vibes. Gefällt, werde da bestimmt mal reinschauen und dann nach ner Stunde aufgrund des Free to Plays angewidert was anderes spielen :D Soll erstmal nur für PC und Mobile erscheinen, andere Plattformen vermutlich später


Dicke Wummen, kurze Kleider. thething freut sich jetzt schon drauf :D