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Rare = Neuer Microsoft 1st Party Entwickler!

Aus dem Nintendo Forum

Offizielles Statement von NoA (Nintendo Of America):

Although Nintendo doesn't comment on rumors or speculation by the media, we can tell you that Nintendo has made the decision not to request Rare to make any further exclusive games for the Nintendo GameCube. Although we're proud of our joint efforts with Rare over the years and have enjoyed our relationship with them, in fiscal year 2001, Rare accounted for only 9.5% of total Nintendo software revenue worldwide. In fiscal year 2002, that number declined to 1.5%. Therefore, in evaluating our investments in developers, as well as the financial benefits to Nintendo over the years, we've decided it's in Nintendo's best interests to focus on diversifying our portfolio of developers and projects.

Star Fox Adventures, which was jointly developed by Rare and Nintendo, will launch as scheduled on September 23rd and will remain exclusive to the Nintendo GameCube. Nintendo's other great franchise characters such as Donkey Kong also will remain exclusive to Nintendo.

We have no additional details to share on this issue at this time. Be sure to check out our official website (www.nintendo.com) for the latest information as it becomes available.

Quelle: Planet GameCube
Nintendo to sell stake in UK game developer to Microsoft - report

Nintendo Co plans to sell its entire stake in Rare Ltd, a UK game software development company, to Microsoft Corp, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun business daily reported.

The planned sale - for an estimated 20-30 billion yen - will terminate the Japanese company's relationship with Rare, which has failed to come up with a hit product in recent years, it said.

It will also enable Microsoft to use Rare's software - which has a good reputation in Europe - in a bid to boost the popularity of its Xbox home game machine.

As the top shareholder, Nintendo owns a 49% stake in Rare. Negotiations are now under way between Microsoft and Rare over a plan in which the UK firm would buy back Nintendo-held shares and then sell them to Microsoft.

The UK firm, known for its "Donkey Kong" series, has been developing game software for Nintendo since the mid-1980s.

© AFX News

Story filed: 00:18 Friday 13th September 2002
Schon die 49% sind falsch. Das lässt auch am Rest zweifeln. Im Moment scheint Nintendo nicht daran interessiert zu sein, Microsoft irgendwelche Games auszuliefern.
Ich glaube das wird jetzt ein schmutziger Kleinkrieg um die Lizenzen zwischen Nintendo und Microsoft...

Aber beide wissen, wie man mit harten Bandagen kämpft ;)
Nintendo beendet Zusammenarbeit mit Rare

14.09.02 - Nintendo hat gegenüber Gamespot bestätigt, dass das Unternehmen die Zusammenarbeit mit dem englischen Entwickler Rare beendet hat. Star Fox Adventures ist demnach das letzte Spiel, das Rare für Nintendo entwickelt hat. Franchise Charaktere wie Donkey Kong werden weiterhin zu Nintendo gehören.
CLICK (Gamespot)
