• Wie letztes Jahr von einigen gewünscht, hier eine Erinnerung zur Unterstützung.
  • Hallo zusammen, bitte prüft mal die im Forum hinterlegte Mail Adresse auf Aktualität. Es ist jetzt schon mehrfach passiert, dass Mails (z.B. für Benachrichtigung neuer PNs) nicht zugestellt werden konnten, weil die Konten nicht mehr existieren oder voll gelaufen sind. Danke!
  • Hallo Gast, falls du dich wunderst, wieso Bilder und Videos nicht mehr sofort angezeigt werden, schau mal hier.

Eine unbekannte Schönheit!

Das Verwirrspiel um den Namen scheint geklärt:

RE (XB) Screenshots

Posted 20-may-2002

Get ready to bury the world's most renowned cars when you race against them with your own brand of sports car. Start off with a small garage, create the ultimate driving machine and go into business as a leading sports car manufacturer. Your goal is to build up a reputation for your brand by racing your cars against real sports cars. The more races you win, the more pedigree your brand will receive. If you consistently win the races, you are put to the challenge to start a production line, sell your cars, design new ones, and continue the cycle.

Das Verwirrspiel um den Namen scheint geklärt:

RE (XB) Screenshots

Posted 20-may-2002

Get ready to bury the world's most renowned cars when you race against them with your own brand of sports car. Start off with a small garage, create the ultimate driving machine and go into business as a leading sports car manufacturer. Your goal is to build up a reputation for your brand by racing your cars against real sports cars. The more races you win, the more pedigree your brand will receive. If you consistently win the races, you are put to the challenge to start a production line, sell your cars, design new ones, and continue the cycle.
