really big boss
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DMatti2 schrieb:Naja, der Launch war ja auch so zeitnah zur Abstimmung, da überrascht das wenig. Mal abgesehen davon, dass diese Titel auch ihre Qualitäten haben.
TheAL schrieb:Deswegen halte ich solche Jahresumfragen generell für unsinnig. Die erst kurz vor der Umfrage erschienenen Titel haben immer einen Vorteil gegenüber dem fast ein Jahr alten Zeug.
Enrico Pallazzo schrieb:noch dazu mit recht vielen top Lunchgames.
God of War
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: SCE Studios Santa Monica
Why It Rocked: God of War has everything. And by everything, we mean the kitchen sink and then some. In addition to its award-winning story, musical score, and its status as the best action game of 2005, it garnered more awards from our PlayStation 2 site than any other game this year... and won by a landslide across the entire IGN network as the single best experience of the season.
But why all the accolades and admiration? To be perfectly blunt, it kicked major ass on all sorts of levels. It was a balls-out action game with crazy combos, chain moves, and a ramped up difficulty on par with the hardest titles of 2005. It was also an extremely well-designed platformer with challenging jumps and puzzles that not only made you think, but weren't arbitrary or ridiculous in any way. Don't forget all the great bonus features, Easter Eggs, and other little tidbits either -- they added an even stronger value to an already powerful package. Oh, and did we mention that its technology, direction, and use of audio was on par with major Hollywood films? It is.
No matter how you cut it (or slice it, or rip it to pieces), God of War is one of the single best action games you'll ever play... and certainly the best overall game of 2005.
Mächtle schrieb:Kategorien wie Grafik?
Franky schrieb:Interessant ist, dass in den Readers Choice Awards sowohl DOA4 als auch CoD2 für die Xbox 360 in verschiedenen Kategorien Winner sind.