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Zuletzt gehörter Song

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Death Cab For Cutie - tiny vessels :love: :bawling:

this is the moment that you know
that you told you loved her but you don't.
you touch her skin and then you think
that she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me.
yeah, she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me.

i spent two weeks in Silverlake
the California sun cascading down my face
there was a girl with light brown streaks
and she was beautiful but she didn't mean a thing to me.
yeah she was beautiful but she didn't mean a thing to me.

wanted to believe in all the words that i was speaking
as we moved together in the dark
and all the friends that i was telling
and all the playful misspellings
and every bite i gave you left a mark

tiny vessels oozed into your neck
and formed the bruises
that you said you didn't want to fade
but they did and so did i that day

all i see are dark grey clouds
in the distance moving closer with every hour
so when you ask "was something wrong?"
that i think "you're damn right there is but we can't talk about it now.
no, we can't talk about it now."

so one last touch and then you'll go
and we'll pretend that it meant something so much more
but it was vile, and it was cheap
and you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me
yeah you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me
Terrorgruppe - Gestorben auf dem Weg zur Arbeit

Früh um sechs schellt der Wecker
Keinen Kaffee nicht zum Bäcker
Schön wärs Ulla zu vernaschen
Doch die Zeit reicht grad zum waschen
Rein ins Auto, Streß im Stau
Hektik macht den Magen flau
Du mußt drängeln, Zeit wird knapp
Plötzlich macht die Pumpe schlapp
Gestorben auf dem Weg zur Arbeit
Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit
Keine Zeit für Wochen Urlaubswochen
Nur dem Chef in'n Arsch gekrochen
Bist auch nicht zum Arzt gegangen
Immer pünktlich angefangen
Gestorben auf dem Weg zur Arbeit
Von Marzahn nach Friedrichshain
Ein Arbeitsleben für die Firma
Der Staat streicht deine Rente ein
Immer eifrig dienstbeflissen
Die Kollegen angeschissen
Keine Freunde nicht mal Feinde
Gestorben bist du ganz alleine

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