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Universal Interactive's 2002 Line-up


Bekanntes Mitglied
The up-and-coming publisher announces several new GBA titles for this year, along with reconfirming The Scorpion King for GameCube.

Today Universal Interactive released its software schedule for 2002. Here are the Nintendo-relevant entries to that list:

The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris Game Boy(R) Advance Q2
Monster Force Game Boy(R) Advance Q3
Spyro: Season of Flame Game Boy(R) Advance Q3
The Scorpion King Nintendo GameCube(TM) Q4
The Lord of the Rings, Part One Game Boy(R) Advance Q4

All of these games are now in our database, in case you want to read up on what we know of them (which is very little in most cases). Also note that the console version of The Scorpion King is no longer exclusive to GameCube as once thought, with a PS2 version listed for Q4.