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TransWorld Snowboarding Preview


Nachzulesen bei Teamxbox.com

Just last Christmas I was up in North Carolina on a ski vacation and it seemed to me that the sport snowboarding is growing more and more popular everyday. If you don’t believe me just watch the Winter Olympics this year and you will notice the addition of snowboarding as a national Olympic event. With the growth of the sport comes the growth of the snowboarding video game craze. Over the past year there has been over 15 snowboarding games released across all platforms from the Gameboy to the Xbox.

The Transworld licensing is not just snowboarding or a video game company, it is much much more. Transworld Media is a major cultural force in the action sports industry with 15 consumer and trade magazines, six websites and sporting events sponsored by Transworld. Infogames’ line of games will include Transworld snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing.

The next snowboarding title being released on the Xbox is coming from the people over at Housemarque titled “Transworld Snowboarding”. This game boasts huge, living real-world snowboard levels with natural kickers and ramps to launch off of. Throw in some treacherous terrain and steep cliffs as well as the danger of rails and downed trees to grind off of and you are in for one hell of a ride. No snowboarding game would be complete without its set of natural half-pipes and quarter-pipes to perform tons of point earning tricks.

The modes in “Transworld Snowboarding” include the following: Free-ride, Free-style, Slope style, Straight jump, Pipe, Boarder X, and the all-famous Career mode. There are 20 real world levels plus a couple of secret ones attainable only through getting your goals and topping the top scores.

Be the pro: Rider style, special tricks and awesome extra abilities specific to each pro rider.

Huge, alive real-world snowboarding levels featuring natural snow kickers and ramps to kick off.

10 snowboarding pros including Tina Basich, Barrett Christy, Andrew Crawford, Kevin Jones, Peter Line, Jussi Oksanen, Todd Richards, Wille Yli-Luoma and more.

More than 20 locations to snowboard including USA, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, and Japan.

Treacherous terrain including downed trees, huge ice blocks, bystanders, and steep cliffs add danger to the game.
The main point of the game is to get from the top of the mountain to the bottom, sounds pretty easy right? No. There is a huge mess of things blocking your path including trees and rails, even half and quarter-pipes. The ability to grind anything in sight could add something more and exciting to the game, from downed trees and snowplows to ice blocks and tables. The game will be 1-4 player so if you’re worried about no being able to board together, worry not. A very interesting aspect of the game will be the Transworld mode where you as the boarder will try to do the best tricks on the course for the specific lenses of cameramen on the course, thus making your status as a Transworl
ds snowboarder huge all over the globe.

The graphics are nothing to shun at. The snow looks as though someone painted it with a Christmas white and the lighting effects add to the incredible textures that have been implanted into the snow. The characters fall and move with a beautiful sense of animation and the feeling of speed reminds you of the last Nascar race you attended. The sound department is very well covered as well; Transworld Snowboarding has an extensive licensed soundtrack that compliments the lifestyle aspect of the sport.

The game also has help from snowboarding sponsors including clothing, accessories and equipment from a variety of sponsors like DC Shoes, Hurley Clothing, Oakley and Quicksilver. This title will be under heavy competition from titles such as Amped, Dark Summit, and SSX Tricky, but hopefully the licensing and danger of this game will give it a boost ahead the rest. An official release date has been confirmed for “Early 2002” so it should be hitting the slopes in stores anytime now. Stay tuned for the full review from TXB when it is released.
Ja...manchmal sagt ein smiley mehr als 1000 Worte :D

Hoffentlich wird es genau so gut wie die Snowboard-Referenz Amped.
Original geschrieben von Ede
Hoffentlich wird es genau so gut wie die Snowboard-Referenz Amped.
Grafisch zumindest besser.

Apropos Amped: Wie sieht es da eigentlich mit Multiplayer-Modes aus? Was gibt es da und wie spielen sie sich?
Original geschrieben von King Of Metal
Grafisch zumindest besser.

Apropos Amped: Wie sieht es da eigentlich mit Multiplayer-Modes aus? Was gibt es da und wie spielen sie sich?

Ich habe den Multiplayer-Mode noch nicht ausprobiert (bin immer noch an dem göttlichen HALO dran).
Ich kann dir aber sagen ,dass es keinen Splitscreen gibt, was die Sache zumindest für mich ziemlich uninteressant werden lässt.
wie schauts eigentlich momentan mit den link modi aus!
schon wer multi gspielt?
und welche spiele unterstützen das momentan?