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Release Dates: Starfox, Eternal Darkness und Wavebird-Controller


Bekanntes Mitglied
New ED and SFA Release Dates
Both are set for a June release along with the Wave Bird wireless controller.

February 12, 2002 - Nintendo today announced the officially rescheduled release dates for the upcoming Star Fox Adventures and Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. The company also set a US debut for its anticipated wireless controller, known as Wave Bird.
Star Fox Adventures will ship on June 10. Eternal Darkness is now scheduled for a June 24 release date -- just a little more than three months from this point. Both titles will retail for $49.95, according to Nintendo.

Also releasing on June 24 is the Wave Bird wireless controller. The device will retail for $39.95 -- only a few bucks more than the standard pad.
ja, aber ich habe den wavebird schon bei gamemania bestellt gehabt und ich weiss der peach hat nix eingetragen was ich mal bei game bestellt habe. darum muss ich per mail nachfragen :zzz: