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Nokia gibt erste Details des Spielgerätes N-Gage bekannt


Heute hat der weltgrößte Handyhersteller Nokia auf Veranstaltungen in London und Sydney erste Details zum bereits im November angekündigten Spielgerät N-Gage bekannt gegeben. Das N-Gage-Konzept sieht dabei eine Wireless-Multi-Player-Plattform vor, also für lokales Spielen und im Remote-Modus. Für die lokale Spieleverbindung soll auch die eingebaute Bluetooth-Schnittstelle sorgen. Mit dem Spielehersteller Sega hat Nokia bereits eine Partnerschaft geschlossen: Auf einer der ersten Spiele-Memory-Cards soll Firmen-Maskottchen Sonic the Hedgehog zum Einsatz kommen.

N-Gage ist nicht nur Tri-Band GSM 900/1800/1900-Handy und Spielgerät, es soll auch als mobiler Musikplayer dienen, der die Formate MP3 und AAC abspielen kann. Dazu kommt ein integriertes FM-Radio und alle Funktionen der 60iger Reihe bei Nokia wie Internet-Browser oder E-Mail-Client. Das 12-bit TFT-Farbdisplay soll eine Auflösung von 176 x 208 Pixel haben.

Auf den Markt kommen soll das Gerät allerdings erst im vierten Quartal 2003, rechtzeitig zum Weihnachtsgeschäft. Mit dem Marktstart von N-Gage greift Nokia Nintendos Gameboy Advanced an, der bislang 24 Millionen Mal verkauft wurde. (tol/c't)

Quelle: heise

Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass Nintendos Gerät Game Boy Advance und nicht Advanced heißt, find ich den N-Gage ziemlich interessant. Wollte eh schon länger 'nen MP3 Player haben, und ein neues Handy wollte ich auch mal wieder kaufen. Dass es dann auch noch Games, die nicht auf dem Niveau von Snake etc. sind, und weitere Features wie ein Radio bietet, trifft sich perfekt. Nintendo hätte sich beim GBA SP von dem Ding ruhig mal ne Scheibe oder ruhig auch zwei abschneiden können.

Gibt's schon einen ungefähren Preis für den N-Gage?

Sonic N
The legendary Sonic The Hedgehog has arrived on the Nokia N-Gage game deck in this exclusive title. Choose between familiar friends Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy to collect the golden rings in this race against time to reach Chaos Emerald and crush Dr. Eggman’s evil plan.

Category: Action
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1
Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Sonic Team

Super, crazy, cool – Pandemonium is back with a vengeance on the Nokia N-Gage game deck. Visit the medieval city of Lyr and join wily wizard Nikki with his delirious sidekicks Fargus and Sid, for a 3D-action adventure that will make you wish you hadn’t had that last espresso.

Category: Adventure
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1
Publisher: Eidos Interactive

Super Monkey Ball
They may be cute but don’t mess with the primates in Super Monkey Ball on the Nokia N-Gage game deck. These are no ordinary monkeys, they race, they fight, and they even fly in their mission to collect the most bananas and find the best route to their goal. Players will have to use brains, brawn, and opposable thumbs to succeed.

Category: Action
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Amusement Vision, Ltd.

Major League Baseball
Step up to the plate with Major League Baseball® (title TBC) on the Nokia N-Gage game deck. Fill the shoes of real players and compete against all 30 MLB™ teams for the chance to win the coveted World Series® title. You will have access to inside information on all players so get ready, get set, and prepare for a grand slam.

Category: Sports
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1-4
Publisher: THQ

Red Faction
You are Parker, a miner working deep beneath the surface of Mars. After horrific conditions and a deadly plague lead to a rebellion, it’s up to you to solve the mystery killing your friends. Play Red Faction on the Nokia N-Gage game deck and journey through 20 intricate levels across land, sea, and air in your quest for the truth.

Category: First Person Shooter
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1
Publisher: THQ
Developer: THQ original title

Moto GP
Feel the speed as Moto-GP on the Nokia N-Gage game deck lets you harness the power of the latest racing technology. Choose between 10 top-of-the-range bikes from Suzuki to Yamaha, and then hit the tracks as you attempt to conquer the most hazardous racing conditions on the planet. Cuz’ you only need two wheels to move.

Category: Racing
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1-4
Publisher: THQ

Tomb Raider
The sexiest single white female in gaming has stormed the Nokia N-Gage game deck. Lara explores ancient ruins across the globe in her quest to find the Scion, a relic from the lost continent Atlantis. She soon learns she's not the only one after the Scion. This version of Tomb Raider includes at least three never-before publi
shed levels exclusive to the Nokia N-Gage game deck.

Category: Action/Adevnture
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Developer: Core Design Ltd.

Taito Classics
Take a trip down nostalgia lane to the retro side-scrollers, puzzles, and arcade games that you know and love. This collection of Taito titles includes Super Space Invaders, Cadash, Camel Try, Puzznic, and Puzzle Bobble. Old school meets new with the added feature of multiplayer capability on the Nokia N-Gage game deck, as well as weird new sound effects and faster gameplay.

Category: Arcade
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1-4
Publisher: Taito Corp.

Virtually Board Snowboarding II
Rip up the hill all year round with Virtually Board Snowboarding II on the Nokia N-Gage game deck. Choose from three game modes, Big Air, Half Pipe and Snowboard Cross to become the king of the hill. And if you really want a challenge, play your friends across the mountainside track, kicker, and snowy slopes using the Bluetooth multiplayer function.

Category: Sports
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 2 player game over Bluetooth
Publisher: Nokia
Developer: Nokia original title

You are Bounce, a tiny rubber ball desperate to escape the confines of a mysterious and menacing factory. With 30 exciting new levels and advanced particle and physics systems, the Nokia N-Gage game deck edition of Bounce features thirst-inducing water simulations and mind-blowing air and ball effects that will leave you pumped.

Category: Action
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 4 multiplayer mini-games via Bluetooth
Publisher: Nokia
Developer: Nokia original title

Kart Racing
It’s fast, it’s furious, but most of all it’s fun. Kart Racing on the Nokia N-Gage game deck allows you to pit your wits against your friends, or race alone across 16 challenging tracks. Whether you are a learner or a fully licensed driving machine, Kart Racing on the Nokia N-Gage™ will make sure you cross the finish line!

Category: Racing
Platform: Nokia N-Gage™ game deck
Players: 1-4
Publisher: Nokia
Developer: Nokia original title

Coming Soon:

- Virtua Tennis (Sega)
- Sega Rally (Sega)
- Puyo Puyo (Sega)
Namco erwägt Software-Entwicklung

06.02.03 - Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg meldet, plant Namco das N-Gage Handheld-System von Nokia mit Spielen zu unterstützen. Derzeit untersucht Namco, welche Software für das N-Gage am besten geeignet ist. Nähere Angaben zu Titeln machte Namco noch nicht.

macht mal keinen schlechten eindruck.

mal abwarten, wie sich dern-gage durchsetzt.

aber was mir noch zu denken gibt ist die langlebigkeit. ein handy ist nunmal nur 1-2 jahre aktuell. und danach?

der gba (sp) wird bestimmt länger up to date sein.

ausserdem hab ich gehört, dass der akku nur 5 std. hält....
Tomb Raider: The surprise of the night was a solid, 3D version of Tomb Raider. The environments were fairly simple -- just a large archway and a staircase -- but the similarity to the PSone version at this early stage is quite astonishing for a portable. Control was somewhat sluggish still, and using any keys other than the two main buttons is a pain (see Design for more), but it is very promising.

Sonic N: Announced by Yuji Naka via a RealVideo from Tokyo (though curiously via a Sonic Adventure banner -- eh?), this was probably the most complete and yet most disappointing of the games. Although very playable, everything was tiny because Sonic Team chose to letterbox the action. Possibly due to the fact that it was an early build, the scaling used was rather poor, distorting the score table and making it look somewhat sloppy. A pity, because it was fun to play. Strange but true anecdote: According to Yuji Naka, Sonic N marks the first time Sonic will appear at a platform's launch.

Super Monkey Ball: The earliest of all the titles on show, Monkey Ball looked like it was ported in a hurry (it still said "Press Start" -- funny, since N-Gage has no start button). Very slow, with an awful framerate, the environments were more detailed than the GBA version but still nowhere near what Tomb Raider or Pandemonium pushes, so it'd be surprising if this doesn't run perfectly smoothly by launch.

Pandemonium!: Based on an old, fairly so-so PSone game, Pandemonium was quite awful to play... but gosh was it pretty. Smooth and detailed, nice special effects... mmm. Supposedly an exact port of the PSone game, though I can't vouch for that. I can vouch for the fact that the brand of 2D-platforming-in-a-3D-world it provided was really boring, though.

Virtually Board Snowboarding: Only three weeks old, this is shaping up to be quite decent. The environments were awful, but again it was fairly smooth. More importantly, it was actually rather fun to play. One of the titles shown from Nokia, it'll have multiplayer over Bluetooth and possibly over GPRS too.

Kart Racing: The other Nokia title on show, I didn't get my hands on this one. Pretty bare-bones kart racer, with the addition of Bluetooth multiplayer.

Puyo Puyo: It's Puyo Puyo... and er, yeah. It will have multiplayer over Bluetooth as well, though.

Super Puzzle Bobble: ...ditto this puzzler, which will have up to four players simultaneously playing over Bluetooth. It's Puzzle Bobble, what else is there to say?

Taito Memories: Supposedly a compilation of four classic Taito games, the only one shown was Super Space Invaders. A quick play of the demo version showed it to be pretty much Space Invaders with a bit more detail and a colourful backdrop. No word on what the other titles are.

Virtua Tennis: Only shown on video. Sprite-based, it seemed to run fairly quickly. No word on multiplayer features, but it should be a given.

MotoGP: A title I was itching to get my hands on but couldn't find anywhere. Supposedly features four player simultaneous racing over
(you guesed it) Bluetooth.
Wow, macht alles nen echt geilen Eindruck, aber das Display von dem Teil is ja echt arg klein, verglichen mit dem GBA Screen!
Hier mal ein Größenvergleich, der rote Kasten entspricht genau der Größe des GBA Displays!

Und vor allem das er hochkant steht sieht irgendwie komisch aus.
Aber trotzdem hört er sich doch sehr nett an. Vor allem das Onlinespielen fände ich cool.
Ich halte da ehrlich gesagt nichts von, ich mein sieht ja ganz nett aus, ein paar Spiele sind schon angekündigt, aber ernsthafte Konkurrenz ist das nicht...eher was für Freaks...wird sich nicht durchsetzen.
Ich denke schon, dass er sich durchsetzen könnte.

Wenn Nokia ein neues Handy rausbringt, weiss es ja auch jeder. Ich denke, es wird sich schon rumsprechen.

Und zuallerst werden es halt nur Freaks haben und Kinder, deren Eltern es dicke in der Tasche haben. Und wenn das Teil, wie das Handy auch, billiger wird, kommts dicke für BigN

Weil schlecht sieht das nicht aus.. :bigok:
watt ist .ram eigentlich für ein Format ??..
will den Film sehen!! *stampf*
wiedersetzt sich auch meinen Versuchen der Umbenennung!!!...

dem Daxter