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Nintendo, Sega, Namco Developing 3D Graphics Board


Bekanntes Mitglied
Namco, Sega and Nintendo have announced a partnership for the development of a next-generation graphics board based on GC architecture, known as the Triforce Board.

Namco, Ltd, Sega, Inc and Nintendo Co., Ltd have announced a collaborative business partnership for the development of a next-generation general purpose 3D graphics board. This new graphics hardware, known as the Triforce board, will be based upon the Nintendo GameCube architecture.

According to Nintendo’s news release, this cooperative development will have the following aims:

1. Expansion of the video game market
2. Creation of a high cost-performance game development environment
3. Proposal of a completely new game system to expand play between the home and the arcade

By utilizing the Nintendo GameCube architecture, Namco, Sega and Nintendo are looking to offer not only the same proven graphical ability with this new Triforce board, but also to provide a high cost performance development environment to game creators. They also hope to offer a sound investment for both gamers and arcade owners alike through the flexibility of the Triforce board’s general purpose nature.

With this partnership, Namco, Sega and Nintendo aim to combine each the technical skill and business know-how of each company to further expand, and excel in, the video game market. It seems they also wish to define the notion of ‘playing’ into an experience that no one has yet known.

Furthermore, since this collaborative development of hardware and software is progressing favorably, a working prototype will be demonstrated at the February 22 AOU 2002 Amusement Expo at the Makuhari Messe.
ein paar kommentare dazu:

Zosha says: Febr 22 can't come soon enough! I wonder why they picked that date, eh guys? Anyway this is great to hear... Wonder what goodies Namco/Sega and maybe even Nintendo have in mind for this arcade hardware. It is, after all, using an extremely Nintendo-ish name... Fzero Arcade? Now that would be nice.

Max says: What amazing news—Nintendo has re-entered the arcade market and is doing so in a big way! I’d known the GC arcade hardware rumors were legit for awhile… What I didn’t know is that Namco AND Sega helped develop it! Triforce is such a perfect name for this board and this partnership. I reckon that this means we can expect a lot of love from both Sega & Namco for GC both in the arcade and at home! We’ll likely see support some of the other usual suspects as well. I can’t wait for more details—hopefully we’ll get some soon, including on information about Triforce coming to North America. (It has to!)

Here’s the best part: “collaborative development of hardware and software is progressing favorably.” Imagining Nintendo’s franchises in an arcade setting powered by the GameCube is pretty exciting in itself. With Sega & Namco involved and working with the Big N, the possibilities are downright overwhelming.

Daniel says: "Proposal of a completely new game system to expand play between the home and the arcade" - I'd be willing to bet that this will involve the Game Boy Advance as well, perhaps giving even further meaning to the "Triforce" name.
hmm... da ich jetzt eh mehr geld verdiene werde ich 200 franken verpulvern :bawling:

bitte kettet mich an meine Konsolen an!! HIIIIIIIILLLLLFEEEE!!! :unhappy:
Original geschrieben von Spanish Prisoner
das werd ich sowieso.

aber ich werd jetzt bei Ebay was kaufen um meine PS2 sammlung aufzustocken: ICO für momentan für 16Euro :eek:

Aber heb dir keinen Bruch. :lol:

Und ICO soll ja ziemlich schnell durchgespielt sein. Vielleicht verkauft da einer mal wirklich nach Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. :D
Original geschrieben von Kybernaut

Aber heb dir keinen Bruch. :lol:

Und ICO soll ja ziemlich schnell durchgespielt sein. Vielleicht verkauft da einer mal wirklich nach Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. :D

hab mehrmals geboten und bin immer wieder überboten worden... jetzt ists schon 20Euro wert... da steig ich nicht mehr ein :bawling:
Ach was...treib den Preis auf über 30 Euro hoch und dann steigst du schnell aus. :D
Der wird sich grün ärgern wenn das Game nach 5 Stunden um ist. :dead: :lol: