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Maximo IGN Insider Review


Ludwig van
wieder aus der US PS2 NG. ...diesmal nur die Closing Comments und Bewertungen (war jetzt zu faul wieder alles reinzukopieren mit aufteilen etc..):

Closing Comments

This is where I tell you what I really think, but I'm certain you
already know. Maximo is a pure delight to play, and anybody who tells
you differently is a stick in the mud, or just doesn't like old school

The fact of the matter is, there isn't much wrong with an old concept
reborn in 3D. Especially, when the developers are as erudite as these.
The folks working at Capcom Digital Studios know their old games like
masters. They have distilled the very essence of the old series and
brought them wholly intact into the 3D world almost as well as Miyamoto
did with Super Mario 64. It's like they revived a lost art, or finally
remembered what some many people seem to have forgotten. Those 2D games
were fun as sh*t, and bringing them into the 3D world with new
challenges, enemies, and worlds with the tenacity, vigilance, and
passion that these guys did is a remarkable step. My hat is off to you
Capcom Digital Studios, for a work well done.

-- Douglass C. Perry

With Save points at each hub, check points in between, all functions
built into the game's design, and all stylishly done, only the CG is
left suspect.

Fantastical and cartoon-like in design, Maximo features hilarious
animations, good texture work, and extravagant worlds to explore.

Riffs revived from the NES classics enmshed in new theme songs. Good
character sound effects, and lots of explosions.

Solid 2D gameplay is distilled and revived in near-perfect 3D. This
stellar gameplay gets hard, and the game is not forgiving, but you feel
rewarded in the end.

Lasting Appeal
You may have beaten the game, but have you mastered it? Not likely.
Lots of gameplay, lots of it. And about 15-20 hours in total the first
time through.

OVERALL SCORE (not an average)
:confused: Um Gotteswillen, was an dem Spiel hat denn diese Wertung verdient? IGN übertrifft sich diesmal aber selbst.
...bei IGN sind die guten - sehr guten Bewertungen inzwischen anscheinend inflationär. Wobei Maximo generell ganz gut abschnitt, wenn man mal bei gamerankings.com schaut.

also so wie ich das gesehen habe bekommt Maximo eher so um die 80-82 % bei anderen Magazinen (siehe auch gamespot oder Playzone). Also die von IGN bewerten manche Spiele einfach zu hoch.