According to my source, Microsoft wants to cut through all their existing inventory of hardware. They will then quietly "soft launch" a new version of the Core and Premium hardware in late August or September that will include an HDMI port. It's also expected that this new hardware will feature the 65nm process for the CPU and quieter DVD drives. The new hardware will ship in boxes very similar to what we saw on store shelves now, but there will be a small "call out" on the box so you know you're getting a system with the HDMI connection.
Update: Microsoft has confirmed the addition of HDMI ports to all newly manufactured Xbox 360 premium consoles. "Yes, we are offering an HDMI port for Xbox 360 simply as another choice in Xbox 360 owners’ games and entertainment experience," a Microsoft rep told Shacknews in an e-mailed statement. "Retailers are gradually introducing HDMI-enabled Xbox 360s into the channel to meet demand."
Regarding the possibility of an HDMI output on the $279.99 SKU, the Microsoft rep said, "We have not announced any plans to add HDMI to the Xbox 360 Core System." Microsoft would not reveal whether any other additions had been made to newly available Xbox 360 models, such as the inclusion of a 65nm process. "We are constantly updating the console’s more than 1700 internal components and therefore will not comment on details of specific components or manufacturing processes," he said.
Verwirrung kann man immer noch vergrößern.

So könnte es also in etwa aussehen:
Currently on the market:
"Things Break" 90nm Core
"Things Break" 90nm 20GB Premium
"Things Break" Zepher 90nm HDMI 1.2 120GB Elite
Zepher 90nm 2nd heatsink HDMI 1.2 120GB Elite
This Fall:
"Things Break" 90nm Core
"Things Break" 90nm Premium
Zepher 90nm 2nd heatsink HDMI 1.2 120GB Elite
Zepher 90nm 2nd heatsink HDMI 1.2 20GB Halo LE
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X Core (?)
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 20GB Premium
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 120GB Elite
Once the channels are cleared:
Zepher 90nm 2nd heatsink HDMI 1.2 20GB Halo LE
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X Core (?)
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 20GB Premium
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 120GB Elite
Next Year:
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X Core (?)
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 20GB Premium
Falcon 65nm HDMI 1.X 120GB Elite