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Capcom News bei IGN


El Toxico
Five Times the Breath Power
A little bird with a big mouth told this big-mouthed little bird that Capcom's Breath of Fire 5 is not only being worked on as we speak in a one of the R&D studios in Capcom Japan, but that it also looks stunning. The witness said it looked SO good is easily rivals Final Fantasy X. That's supposedly coming from a person who isn't easily impressed. Hm... Any Breath of Fire is good for us, but on par with FFX? That would be great.

The "Makers" Are Back
While it's not confirmed and it's still not a done deal, there is a good possibility that Agetec might bring two games from its "Maker" series to the United States. Agetec is hoping to clinch deals that could bring two games, one that features fighting, and the other that focuses on RPGs to the US for PS2. Look for a possible announcement at E3 in May.

Mal sehen, was es auf der E3 diesbezüglich zu sehen gibt.
mein Englisch is net besonders, aber soll BOF 5 einen Grafik look bekommen wie FFX, das wär geil!!!:eek:
Nö, dort steht, nur, dass BOF 5 mindestens genauso gut aussehen soll, wie FFX. was ich allerdings stark bezweifeln möchte.
Original geschrieben von Veil
Nö, dort steht, nur, dass BOF 5 mindestens genauso gut aussehen soll, wie FFX.was ich allerdings stark bezweifeln möchte.

wenn es wirklich so ausehen soll wie FF10 dann bin ich zufrieden.
Und lass dich überraschen bis zur E³ sind es ja jetzt noch genau 2 Monate.;)