3DO Counts Eight
In a financial statement released today, 3DO officially announced that it has a slate of eight new games in development for the Nintendo GameCube, most of which will be released in the Company's upcoming fiscal year. Originally revealed first to Nintendojo in September, the company confirmed today that games based off Army Men, CUBIX - Robots for Everyone, and Jonny Moseley Mad Trix, are expected to be released on the GameCube during the coming year.
"With lower spending levels in place, a market that is growing dramatically, and a strong slate of new games in solid brands, we expect significantly improved results in our next fiscal year," commented Trip Hawkins, CEO of 3DO. "We are especially excited about the GameCube because of our strong brands for kids."
In the release, Hawkins defended the company's weak fiscal year.
"In many respects, our brand mix struggled during the platform transition but market growth this year should expand the audience for both kids and casual-gamer adults where we have previously enjoyed notable success," said Hawkins. "We understand that commercial success is a function of developing top quality products based on key brands that will appeal to the principal demographic audience for particular platforms, and we have adjusted our plans for the coming year accordingly."