Bekanntes Mitglied
Laut einem Gerücht auf wird Sega demnächst 2nd Party für einen der 3 Konsolenhersteller. Theoretisch könnte das nur MS sein. Sony hat es nicht nötig, Nintendo nicht die nötige Kohle.
Meine Meinung: Bullshit³!
Sega Re-alignment
Sega is reportedly going to align itself with a major console manufacturer very soon. That is to say that Sega, which is currently "platform agnostic," will be buddying up with Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, in a very big way, basically exclusive to that system, very soon -- according to a little bird we know. The implications are huge and we simply don't know how far the repercussions will go -- does it include sports, too? -- but whatever Sega does is a big, big deal. Go Sega (and since we're feeling ridiculously fanboyish right now, please don't saddle up with Microsoft, OK? That would be just be hurtful.)
Meine Meinung: Bullshit³!