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WRC2 angekündigt



Tuesday 12th February 2002


You're going to get a sequel before the end of the year, and from initial details, Evolution Studios is looking to improve in every conceivable way

While the first PlayStation 2 racer World Rally Championship is still doing the business in Europe, Sony confirmed today that a sequel will be on store shelves before the end of the year. Details are scant on the title at the moment, but company reps have pointed to improvements in graphics and handling.
According to Sony, Evolution Studios has listened to criticism and praise from the first title – some found the game too easy – so expect a far more polished experience this time around.

We'll have plenty more on this soon. Come back tomorrow for a tasty treat.
Bin ja mal gespannt was sie dann vorallem grafisch noch rausholen werden. Hat eh kaum geflimmert nur ab und an gab es seitlich PopUps die mich aber in keinsterweise irgendwie behindert oder gestört haben beim fahren.
und ein schadensmodell, was auch was taugt und ne bessere Fahrphysik bei unfällen wäre auch nicht schlecht und natürlich sollte sich grafisch auch was ändern.


Wednesday 13th February 2002


Martin Kenwright, head honcho at Evolution Studios gives first, exclusive details of his Sony first-party sequel and it sounds hot

15:35 Martin Kenwright and Evolution Studios are to release a PlayStation 2 technical marvel later this year, if the developer's ultra-confident frontman is to be believed. Following our unveiling of the sequel to World Rally Championship yesterday, we snagged first details on the PlayStation 2 title, scheduled to ship this Christmas, from the horse's mouth.
"It's all part of the long-term plan. When we conceived WRC a couple of years ago it was all part of just building up the Evolution Studios brand," said Kenwright. "From a technology standpoint, we've doubled the amount of objects we can draw and quadrupled the amount of effects. We've been able to draw two to three times further into the distance."

Technology is the name of the game here, and Kenwright is more than confident about facing up to some considerable rally competition towards the end of this year. "It was a bit like a shakedown for the 2002 version," he said. "We know what worked and we know what didn't. Instead of sitting on one game for three or four years and getting it right, we've had the luxury of learning from things that could be improved upon and making them a magnitude better. The overall technology, the rendering, the way it all looks and feels is going to be fairly revolutionary... It's up there with only a couple of games in the world that are really pushing the envelope on number of polygons per second on PlayStation 2. We're probably going to be drawing more polygons than an Xbox game can do."

New rendering technology will allow incredible levels of realism on the cars themselves, Kenwright added, when combined with professional image-capturing of the various machines. "We're gagging to show people, he said. "We've seen competitors games already and they look like WRC. We stopped thinking about that two years ago and we're on another planet."

More Power to you, Big Martin. You'll get first details and a first look at what should be an astonishing looking game at E3 in May

Hmmm klingt interessant. :)
Wenns einen überdurchschnittlichen Mehrspielermodus hat, bin ich schon zufrieden. Denn bei WRC war der 2Player Mode unter aller Sau...