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Video CD von RE Code Veronica


HI Leute
habe ihr auch schon bei
die VCD von RE Code Verionca gesehen?
hier ein bild von der VCD
Aber was ist da drauf ??
cya Wesker
Hier habe noch was gefunden
leider auf englich
The Story:

After Biohazard 2 event ended, Claire went to Europe to find her brother --- Chris. When she reached Europe, she managed to find out the location of the headquarter of Umbrella, but she was captured when she tried to sneak in to the headquarter. During her journey to Rock Island Jail, the jail was attacked by an unknown group, which had caused the leakage of deadly virus. Claire managed to escape from the jail during the chaos, and she met a 17 year-old young man --- Steve Burnside.
The Chief Commander of the Rock Island Jail thought that Claire is the spy of the unknown group, and given out the order to kill her. Will Claire and Steve survive in this crisis?