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NVidia To Give ATI Users Free Upgrade To GeForce FX


NVIDIA Corporation, today announced that they have decided to give away thousands of NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX family cards, presumably in an attempt to win market share over ATI.

"It’s clear that the end users see the importance of bringing cinematic computing to their computers, but unfortunately, our top of the line product, the GeForce FX, is out of reach for many individuals." said Jeff Fisher, executive vice president of worldwide sales for NVIDIA. "For the first time ever, the same cutting-edge graphics technology available for high-end systems is now within reach of the average Joe."

"The way it works is that the end user ship their old ATI cards to us, and in return, they'll receive a brand new GeForce FX as well as an exclusive GeForce FX t-shirt from us.". Furthermore, Jeff Fisher stated that "We believe everyone deserves the chance to experience the GeForce FX, and we are happy to present this once-in-a-lifetime offer to anyone interested. Therefore, we have decided to give away no less than 10,000 graphic cards." For those that doesn't get a card, NVIDIA Corporation still have 100,000 exclusive GeForce FX give-away t-shirts, so there's no reason not to apply.


Hardware: nVidia To Give ATI Users Free Upgrade To GeForce FX
Posted on Tuesday, April 01 @ 11:30:50 CEST by viper

Das ist die originalquelle:
Von gestern.... :lol: :mf:
ja, der Typ dort hat aber die News von gestern gepostet dieser MONK !
das halte ich schon seit 2 jahren so.... ;)

Die bösesten sachen passieren immer danch, da sich versteckte scherze immer irgendwie durchschleichen und am 3. April keiner mehr daran denkt das es ein fake sein könnte !