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Nintendo enthüllt das Megaton!!!1


Bekanntes Mitglied

We mean it this time. And it really is huge news...

16:32 Are you sitting comfortably? Excellent. Following months of fevered speculation, rumour, gossip, hot air and a frightening amount of column inches, Nintendo has finally dropped the now-mythical "Megaton!"
Japanese magazine V-Jump started this whole Megaton malarkey several months ago when it stated Nintendo had a major announcement looming. This was interpreted as something of global import, a revelation to crack the planet, shatter the galaxy and cause the universe to implode spreading horror and devastation into the blackest, coldest recesses of infinity.

Then silence.

But mercifully Nintendo revealed the magnificent GBA SP earlier this week proving that, although it had no Megaton, it still had a seriously important announcement up its sleeve with, somewhat perversely, the excitement over Megaton helping to conjure details of this hardware from deep within Nintendo HQ.

But what of Megaton? The latest issue of V-Jump carries the full shocking detail. Nintendo is making a GameCube title based on - wait for it! - a comic strip from the magazine. Run for cover!

So there we have it, ladies and gents. Megaton in all its comical (in both senses) glory. Quality.
