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Life with Playstation


Enrico Pallazzo

Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced that it would release Life with PlayStation(R) for PLAYSTATION(R)3 (PS3(R)) today, September 18, 2008, worldwide simultaneously. Life with PlayStation is a new lifestyle service that offers users a new visual and interactive way to use their PS3 to access news and information from around the world, only possible on the PS3's feature-rich platform.

As the initial content, LIVE CHANNEL will be released for Life with PlayStation. Through network connected PS3, it delivers worldwide news and information centering on two themes, "place" and "time" on a world map interface. Some of the live content includes; cloud imagery (provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center), along with weather information (provided by The Weather Channel), news headlines (provided by Google News(TM)), and live camera images (partially provided by The Earth Television Network) of nearly 60 cities around the globe. Through LIVE CHANNEL, PS3 users will be able to enjoy worldwide news and live information free of charge. In addition to LIVE CHANNEL, Life with PlayStation will continually deliver a wide variety of interactive content and channels to living rooms through network connected PS3s to further enhance the world of entertainment made possible by PS3.

PS3 users can easily join Life with PlayStation by simply clicking the Folding@home*1 icon on the network column of XMB(TM) (XrossMediaBar) that will update to Life with PlayStation.

With the latest update, Folding@home will support more advanced simulation of protein fold, and will also support PS3's unique Folding@home ranking system, which enables users to see where they stand among the worldwide contributors based on their level of contribution. SCE will vigorously promote the expansion of the world of PS3 by introducing new services that will open up new possibilities and enjoyment in interactive entertainment.

*1 Folding@home is a distributed computing*2 project run by Stanford University which aims to understand protein folding and misfolding, and how these are related to diseases and many forms of cancer. PS3 provides approximately 74% (as of February 2008) of the computing power in Folding@home and over 1 million PS3 users has participated in this project.
*2 Distributed computing is an approach adopted by universities and research laboratories to utilize immense computing power without the use of central supercomputers. Small computing tasks are assigned to each user's computer and the results are collected after computation is complete.


Gerade gelesen, dass es an Folding geknüpft ist, d.h. Folding läuft dann permanent im Hintergrund ohne deaktiviert werden zu können. Das finde ich ja gar nicht toll.
warum? wozu brauchst du die leistung deiner konsole, wenn du nachrichten liest? finde gerade diese entscheidung von sony sehr konsequent, hätte ich ihnen nicht zugetraut. schade, dass sony sich bisher auf folding@home beschränkt, gibt es doch mittlerweile zig "verteiltes-rechnen"-programme.
Weil ich Dinge nicht mag, die ungefragt passieren. Die Konsole läuft dann ja mit wesentlich mehr Power und diese Entscheidung würde ich als User gerne selbst tragen.
Hehe. Die PS3 ist ja als Stromfresser bekannt. Ich denke mal Sven meint eher Leerlauf statt Stand-By? Ist aber auch egal, zumindest im Bezug auf Life with Playstation, denn es besteht kein Grund das Ding lange laufen zu lassen ;)