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Gamespot E3 Awards

  • Ersteller Ersteller Benicube
  • Erstellt am Erstellt am


10. Command&Conquer: Generals
9. The Sims Online
8. Sim City4
7. Rise of Nations
6. Neverwinter Nights
5. DX2: The Invisible War
4. Unreal Tournament 2003
3. Star War Galaxies
2. No One Lives Forever2
1. Doom 3

5. Panza Dragoon Orta
4. Psychonauts
3. Unreal Championship
2. Steel Battalion
1. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

5. Resident Evil 0
4. Star Fox Adventures
3. Metroid Prime
2. Super Mario Sunshine
1. The Legend of Zelda

5. Ratchet and Clank
4. Primal
3. The Mark of Kri
2. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
1. Auto Modellista

5. Phantasy Star Collection
4. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
2. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
1. Metroid Fusion

10. Steel Battalion (Xbox)
9. Auto Modellista (PS2)
8. Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (PC)
7. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (PC)
6. Metroid Fusion (GBA)
5. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Xbox)
4. Metroid Prime (GC)
3. Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
2. The Legend of Zelda (GC)
1. Doom III (PC)

Nach zu lesen ist das ganze hier
Original geschrieben von Dicimania
zelda ist (war) fuer mich ne klare enttaeuschung, ich weiss nicht wie es aufm 2.ten platz stehen kann :)

Du warst bei der E3 :eek:
Mich überrascht nur das Metroid Fusion auf platz 6 ist. Der GBA ruled einfach :D
nö, war ich nicht

aber die videos + still sagen schon einiges:(

das das gameplay genial wird, das weiss ja wohl schon jeder :)
aber fuern 2.ten platz braucht ein game deutlich mehr:)

...und ueber den grafik - still will ich eh keine worte mehr verlieren :D
Naja die es gespielt haben waren von technik und gameplay begeistert. Der Stil ist natürlich Geschmacksache.
Viel erstaunlicher ist doch die Mario-Platzierung - ich freu mich zwar auf das Spiel, aber was hat das so weit oben zu suchen? :confused: :breit:
Also was ich von Zelda gehört habe, soll das Game grafiktechnisch auf höchstem niveau sein. ist einfach cell-shading, da sieht man halt nicht sehr viel, aber ist so realsiert worden, dass alles wie ein Zeichntrickfilm wirkt.

Mario hat dort eingeschlagen wie eine Bombe! Manche sagten, dass das Game so tieisch spass gemacht hat, dass das feeling vom echten videospielen wieder aufkam. der soundtrack soll angeblich sehr cool sein... einige fragten sofort obs ne CD für den soundtrack gebe.

Despite the success of the series, some players have complained that Resident Evil is stagnating where gameplay is concerned. But Resident Evil 0 is doing a lot to change that, which is a big reason why we're so looking forward to it. You can switch between playing as either Rebecca or Billy at any time by pressing a single button, and you can even take on zombies as a team with the computer controlling one character and you controlling the other. But perhaps the biggest improvement to the game is the ability to drop items wherever you please. At last, the days of managing your inventory and trying to guess which items you might need before heading out for more combat will be long gone.

ahh, endlich können wir diese scheiss-boxen vergessen!! :anim:


An interesting blend of gameplay types make up the activity found in the levels of Star Fox Adventures--action in the vein of Zelda, fast-paced hand-to-hand combat, first-person sniping, racing on jetcraft, and the classic third-person space shooting action that the series is known for. Star Fox Adventures looks like it will offer something for just about everyone.

find ich arschgeil!! einfach alles!! :eek:

Super Mario Sunshine

Mario has always had pretty graphics, and that's true of Super Mario Sunshine as well. Yet the demo of the game on display at E3 showed an increased focus on new gameplay mechanics and showed that the power available from this generation of consoles can be used to do more than just display more polygons or pretty textures. Super Mario Sunshine has something that few video games these days do: randomness. The crux of this ideal is manifest in the sludge that Mario is charged with cleaning up. Making things all the more complicated, Mario can interact with the sludge in just about any manner you please. He can slide through it on his belly, leave footsteps and tracks in it, and even become covered in it. Of course, one trip to a water source will clean him off. But most importantly, Mario can use a water pump attached to his back to clean up the sludge or hover in the air. There will be more uses for the apparatus later on in the game, so one can only imagine what clever ideas Nintendo might come up with.

Thankfully, the one aspect of previous Mario games that has remained in Super Mario Sunshine is a sense of freedom. Players can run, jump, slide, and spray just about anywhere they choose, and there's no right way to attack each objective. This allows creativity on the part of the player and makes it fun to simply run around and explore the game's worlds.

When the E3 2002 show floor was about to close for good, people rushed back to Nintendo's booth to play Super Mario Sunshine one last time.

ja, so wie es aussieht liegt die grafikstärke von Mario nicht in die typischen bereiche von Polygon und Texturen, sondern in anderen bereichen ;)
Zu Metroid:
Animation and features aside, Metroid Prime is a stunning game from a visual perspective. The game is littered with reflective and transparent surfaces, incredibly detailed textures, and, at times, dozens of moving enemies onscreen at once. When charging a blast, the energy wash given off by Samus' armament reflects on her armor, while a discharged blast blurs the area around it as it flies down a corridor. When firing a charged weapon against certain surfaces, you can even see Samus' reflection in her visor as the flash of light dies down around her. Even with all of the visual effects going on at once, the frame rate remained solid, never faltering. Retro Studios surprised many with Metroid Prime--it's quite possibly the best-looking upcoming console game, and it still has that distinct Metroid feel.

Zu Star Fox:
I think that most who attended the show would agree that Star Fox Adventures was one of the most visually impressive games on any platform at E3.

Die Berichte hören sich auf allen Seiten gleich an. Überall wird gesagt das die Spiele sau gut aussehen und sich auch so spielen. :zzz: :D
Phantasy Star Collection

Imagine if the first three Final Fantasy games were collected in one game for the Game Boy Advance. That's not happening, but that's arguably as significant as: THQ is bringing out a collection of the first three Phantasy Star games for the GBA. This collection should please the many fans of Sega's popular RPG line, as well as act as an easy way for those who were introduced to the series through the fantastic Phantasy Star Online game to find out what all the fuss has been about.

While the Phantasy Star series' strength has always been its character development and storyline, it also had a fair share of innovations to offer during its time. In a precursor to today's deluge of first-person shooters and RPGs like Quake, Shining the Holy Ark, and King's Field, Phantasy Star featured perhaps some of the earliest gameplay of this kind. No small feat during the early 8-bit days of Sega's Master System. Originally released in 1988, with more than three worlds to explore, Phantasy Star at that time was nothing less than stunning. The next year followed with Phantasy Star II for the Genesis, and while the 3D caves were replaced with a traditional overhead view, Part II is considered by many to be the most challenging of the series. Two years later Sega released Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom. What was interesting about this game was that once you finished your first quest you would choose a spouse for your character. Depending on your selection, you would then embark on a separate adventure. Up to seven different quests were available as well as four different endings. (Unfortunately the graphics weren't quite up to snuff, and the combat scenes were disappointing as well.)

Even though Phantasy Star III had its share of drawbacks, the fact that the first three Phantasy Star games will be available for the price of one--and be portable--is fantastic. We have our fingers crossed that the translations will all turn out better than the disappointing port of Phantasy Star II on the Sega Smash Pack for the Dreamcast.

Phantasy Star, Lunar, Golden Sun......warum ausgerechnet auf dem GBA? Rollenspiele gehören auf ein System, auf das man auch längere Zeit spielen kann ohne Augenkrebs zu bekommen :D
Original geschrieben von Baca

Phantasy Star, Lunar, Golden Sun......warum ausgerechnet auf dem GBA? Rollenspiele gehören auf ein System, auf das man auch längere Zeit spielen kann ohne Augenkrebs zu bekommen :D

Keine Sorge, Phantasy Star 5 ist schon in Entwicklung. Das System verrate ich aber nicht, nen Aufstand gibts sowieso....
Original geschrieben von TheAL
Du hast vergessen für GF Werbung zu machen Veil.

Ich frage mich, wieso ich meine Sig überhaupt geändert habe, wo doch ausser mir noch ca. 150 andere User ne URL in der Sig haben...
Original geschrieben von TheAL
weil es eben zelda is
Nein, weil's sehr viel Spass macht und technisch auf höchstem Niveau ist. :rolleyes:

Ich selbst war ja nicht dort und hab's nicht gespielt, aber ich kenne jemanden, der dies konnte. Nur, dass mir hier nicht jemand unterstellt, dass ich das einfach so sage, weil das Game von Nintendo ist.
@Dicimania: Hast du schonmal daran gedacht, dass du vielleicht zu früh über Zelda urteilst? Diese Leute haben das Game probegezockt und waren begeistert und das waren sicher auch nicht alle Befürworter des Grafikstils. :rolleyes: