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"Crazy Taxi - The Movie" angekündigt


Bekanntes Mitglied

Mindfire Entertainment announced today that it has finalized a deal with SEGA to acquire the rights to produce a motion picture based on the company's best selling video game series, "Crazy Taxi." Coming on the heels of the successful partnership with "The House of the Dead - The Movie," currently slated for a 2003 theatrical release, Mindfire has acquired the rights to "Crazy Taxi" from SEGA to serve as the basis for a new feature film series.
"Our relationship with SEGA on 'The House of the Dead - The Movie' has been a wonderful experience, and we are delighted to enter into this new partnership," said Dan Bates, CEO, Mindfire Entertainment. "We believe that 'Crazy Taxi' has the potential to be a major motion picture, combining the thrills and exciting street action of 'The Fast and The Furious' with the humor and quirkiness of 'Taxicab Confessions.' SEGA has created a wildly entertaining game concept filled with action and fun, and we hope to effectively translate this to the big screen with this upcoming feature film."

SEGA created the successful "Crazy Taxi" video game franchise, including a popular arcade game and two best selling console titles. Last week SEGA released the highly anticipated "Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller" for the Xbox video game system from Microsoft.

"The 'Crazy Taxi' franchise has been a tremendous success for SEGA, and it will enjoy even greater exposure with this upcoming feature film," said Peter Moore, president and COO, SEGA of America, Inc. "We are very pleased to continue our association with Mindfire, a company that recognizes the strong entertainment value and cinematic potential of some of SEGA's most popular titles."
Ist wohl der erste Film, der auf einem Racer basiert :D
cool dann kann man zugucken wie einer wild durch die Stadt heizt und Leute zum Pizza Hut fährt :shake:

ein SONIC Film mit reellen Darstellern fänd ich interessanter!!! Muahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

:zzz: wenn es von einem franzosen gemacht wird, dann wirds ein lustiger film mit schneller action, total hektisch und am ende wird man den grund fürs leben finden :) ..

ps: man sollte nicht aus allem einen film machen!
Wenn sie ein Plagiat von dem französischen Taxi Film machen, das in San Francisco spielt, von mir aus mit Adam Sandler oder Jim Carrey in der Hauptrolle. Das könnte verdammt witzisch werden :D