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BYW-Backyard Wrestling

Auf der Games Convention sah es ganz lustig aus, sicherlich mehr auf Multiplayer ausgelegt. Ich wart lieber auf das neue Smackdown, als mir BYW zu holen.
*g* scheint alles nichts zu nutzen, Gamespot vergibt ne 4,7 von 10


To sum it all up, Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home is basically a failed experiment. It does its best to try and be something different, and it does marginally succeed at this task. Despite being different, however, it also lacks the depth found in most modern wrestling offerings--both in gameplay and modes. Unfortunately, its lengthy laundry list of aggravating problems prevents it from being of even casual interest to wrestling fans on the hunt for diversity in their wrestling game libraries. Perhaps there's still potential for the Backyard Wrestling license in future releases--as the basic concepts for the game are inherently sound. However, there's simply no salvaging Don't Try This at Home, and, ultimately, it should be avoided.