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Brute Force auf 2003 verschoben!


Bekanntes Mitglied
Brute Force delayed until 2003

Microsoft reveals that Digital Anvil's Xbox shooter will slip to early 2003.

Microsoft has announced that Brute Force won't be out this November as planned. A brief statement explained that Microsoft has decided to "take a little more time and make sure the single-player campaign and multiplayer is perfect" and plans to ship Brute Force early next year.
Brute Force is the work of Austin-based Digital Anvil, which was founded by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame. The game will emphasize squad-based gameplay, and it features four characters with specialties ranging from combat to stealth. For more details, check out our previous coverage of the game.
typisch... jetzt kommen die großen verschiebungswellen.
als erstes den mund zu voll nehmen und dann nicht halten können... naja.
das ist so wie mit den frauen, die nehmen den mund auch immer zu voll und dann wollens nicht schlu... äh, das ist doch was anderes ;) :D
Early 2003 ----> April 2003

Microsoft announces that the release of its team-based tactical shooter has been pushed back to April 2003.

Microsoft has announced that Brute Force, which was originally due in stores this month and was more recently scheduled for release early next year, is now expected to arrive in April.
According to Microsoft, the reason for the delay is to ensure that the game is as good as it can be when it's released. "Any game as cool as Brute Force is worth taking the extra time to make totally rock", said Pete Parsons, director of Xbox marketing.

In development at Austin-based Digital Anvil, Brute Force is a third-person squad-based shooter in which players can issue orders to teammates, who each have their own special abilities. For more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.