Big GCN Announcement Pending?
One of Japan's biggest magazines hints at big things to come later this year.
September 30, 2002 - The latest issue of V-Jump, a monthly Japanese magazine that combines videogame coverage with comics, features a miniature one year anniversary celebration of the GameCube (yes, it's been a year since Nintendo's purple console launched to Japan allowing IGNcube to bring you such stories as Journeys of Box). Included as part of the festivities is a tantalizing hint at big things to come in GameCube land towards the end of this year.
The magazine states that, in addition to seeing more detailed coverage on its pages, the GameCube will also see something of "mega-ton level" (that means like a nuclear explosion, kids) happening at the end of the year. Above this little blurb is another, seemingly speculative pondering by V-Jump: "The start of a super-big project that will cause a worldwide boom for the GameCube?"
Yes, we are all very excited. And thankfully, as the end of the year is fast approaching, the wait for clarification may not be all that long. Stay tuned.
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